
Sudan War Reparations

Amjad Farid Al-Tayeb

The latest report published by the British newspaper @guardian, prepared by journalist @TownsendMark, which summarizes and analyzes the extent of evidence proving the UAE’s involvement in igniting and prolonging the war in Sudan, joins the long list of credible reports on the UAE’s involvement in the campaign of criminal violations carried out by the Rapid Support Forces RSF in Sudan since the outbreak of the April 2023 war.
The list included the report of the Independent Experts Committee formed by the Security Council, eyewitnesses to Emirati support, incidents of the seizure of aircraft heading to Umm Jaras carrying Emirati weapons sent to the Rapid Support RSF Militia that were discovered at Entebbe Airport, and dozens of press reports and reports by independent organizations on the UAE’s involvement and involvement in the aggression against Sudan. This involvement has gone beyond the stages of proof and discussion.
This aggression aimed to seize Sudan and harness its resources to serve the interests of the Emirates through the rule of the militia and its allies, which the Rapid Support RSF Militia has failed to achieve so far, but it has caused the greatest catastrophe and human suffering witnessed in our contemporary era.
– The militia, with direct Emirati support, committed an ethnic cleansing massacre against the Masalit community in El Geneina, West Darfur, and then continued to commit identity-based killings, looting, rape, and destruction of infrastructure in various parts of Sudan.
– The number of displaced persons and refugees forced by the militia to leave their homes, most of which are still occupied, exceeded 12 million civilians.
– About 75% of health facilities in Sudan have stopped working, leading to deaths and other indescribable suffering
– The number of Sudanese in need of urgent humanitarian aid has reached about 25 million, while severe famine threatens more than 3 million Sudanese.
– Dozens, if not hundreds, of women and girls were subjected to sexual violence and rape by militia soldiers, who used this weapon as a recruitment tool and a tool to subjugate and break communities.
– Personal property was systematically looted in all areas reached by the militia hordes, and the first thing the militia did in every city or village it reached was to raid homes in search of any valuable possessions.
– The education system was disrupted, and currently there are about 19 million students in various stages of education out of school.
– The Rapid Support Forces RSF militia repeatedly looted World Food Program WFP warehouses in Khartoum, Darfur, Madani and El Obeid, which led to the disruption of relief work in many of these areas and contributed to the state of famine that the country is experiencing.
In addition to the militia deliberately disrupting agriculture, spoiling crops and attempting to poison the lands. The Rapid Support Forces RSF also imposes a deliberate starvation siege on civilians in various areas of Khartoum, North Kordofan and Darfur.
– ⁠The list of militia crimes and the various forms of suffering they have caused the Sudanese people is too long to list, and the discussion that attempts to find political justifications for these crimes is absurd and treasonous if it is not a direct participation in these crimes.
The militia has committed these crimes and drawn the details of this hell that is burning Sudan, with continuous and ongoing Emirati support.
Ending the fighting in Sudan cannot ignore this reality and these facts, otherwise it would be blackmail and bullying. The UAE’s proven participation in this aggression places on it the responsibility to pay war reparations for the damages incurred by the Sudanese as a result of the UAE’s violation of its international obligations by participating in this aggression.
These compensations are allocated to the state and also to individuals and affected victims and their families in accordance with the rules of international law, and what was adopted by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights UNCHR in 2005, of the basic principles and guidelines on the right to a remedy and reparation for victims of gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law, which were later also adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in March 2006.
These compensations include direct rights paid to the affected, and not investment agreements or reconstruction contributions or other political tricks.
The United Arab Emirates UAE has directly participated in creating and prolonging the suffering that has befallen the Sudanese, and the psychological and material damages that they are still living in, addition to the unprecedented destruction of the Sudanese life systems and the infrastructure in our country, and whatever the internal situations that led to the war – in which the Emirates also participated in aggravating it to a great extent – they do not justify the Emirates’ participation in this crime and its continuation in a manner that violates its international obligations and international laws and conventions.
No matter how much compensation the UAE must pay collectively and individually to the Sudanese victims for what was committed by the militia that it continues to support until now, it will not cover the extent of the material, physical and moral damage it caused. This right belongs to all Sudanese, and no one has the right to waive it, and the campaign of political mercenaries and your local agents and agents will not help you escape this responsibility.

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