
Evaluation and Conformity of Export Goods on the (SSMO) Table

Sudan Events-Nahid Oshi

Director of the Control and Inspection Sector in Gedarif Sector, Abdul-Hay Ahmed Idris, considered exports as one of the pillars of the state with the support of the General Treasury,

pointing to the Authority’s plans to evaluate export goods and explain the regulations and laws for evaluating export and import goods and working to qualify cadres,

indicating during his address to a training course organized by the Sudanese Standards and Metrology Organization ( SSMO)Gedarif state Sector, on the evaluation and conformity of export goods during the Authority’s roles in defining the laws and inspecting export containers and enlightening the regulations related to export operations and other security aspects and linking them to the SSMO’s activities, in addition to interest in storage and marketing and supporting and developing the Crop Markets Exchange in Gedarif state. He said the course aimed to train the cadre to raise the efficiency of performance and commitment to quality standards, and to define the laws and inspection of containers and operations related to exports and other security aspects and link them to the SSMO’ activities.

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