
Tin Drums (5-5)

As I See

Adel El-Baz
“War will never end as long as the wound it caused somewhere is still bleeding.”
Heinrich Böll, the German Nobel Prize laureate in Literature in 1972
Yesterday we saw how those who called for war are demanding that it be stopped and those who are shouting from famine are the ones who caused it and that those who demand relief are the ones who loot from the warehouses of the United Nations UN and international organizations and are the ones who impose a siege on cities with the aim of starving and subjugating them and are the ones who refuse to deliver it to those in need except through one entrance (Adre) that they control.!!. It is strange that those who loot people’s food from their homes and warehouses are calling on the world to rush to provide them with relief.!!.
In order to achieve their goals, they issue fake reports for which they mobilize astonishing numbers that God has not authorized.
For example, take the report of the Clingendael Institute, which said (the expected numbers resulting from hunger amount to 2,500,000 deaths, with an expected 15 % of the population of Darfur and Kordofan states, which are likely to be the most affected, dying from hunger and disease by September.).
Imagine 2 million and a half Sudanese are supposed to die by next September.!! How many have died during the past period and how many are expected to die during this month, so that we enter September with 2 and a half million Sudanese dead.? Such false reports are what they rely on to deceive the world to implement their political agenda and to steal millions of dollars from donors, 10% of which does not reach the pockets of those who actually need them.
And the situation is the same, people are dying by the millions and half of the Sudanese people are threatened with death, according to their claim, within a year!!… So what has the World Community done to save the Sudanese from certain death.?
Linda Johnson says (She led the humanitarian response by providing more than $1.6 billion in aid since September 2023.) Johnson is referring to the promises made by countries that met at the Paris conference, co-organized by France, Germany and the European Union EU last year, with the aim of bridging the funding gap to address the Sudanese crisis.
But what did the world do after that conference, which caused a huge uproar at the time? Dr. Amjad Farid says (We find that the funding available this year from the international community for the humanitarian relief plan in Sudan by the end of July 2024 only covers about a third of the need and budget estimated by United Nations agencies to address the largest contemporary humanitarian disaster (the available funding is $850 million, while the required budget is $2.7 billion). That is, the funding provided by the international community to the Sudanese who are dying by the millions is 30% of what was promised)… Have you seen such hypocrisy.. How disgusting is it? Last month, 13 relief organizations working on the Chadian border issued a statement saying that the aid they receive is 12% of their total needs and called on the United Nations UN and donors to quickly pay what they pledged.!! All this noise they raise in the international media about the death of hunger in Sudan and in their slogans and conferences does not translate into actions by generous donations to save the hungry because the goal is not to address the alleged famine but to serve the political agenda aimed at a ceasefire without implementing Jeddah decisions and to open the country’s gates to poisoned aid to distort the rebellion through a single crossing (Adre). If the goal was otherwise, they would have issued condemnations against the militia that is looting the limited aid from their warehouses and convoys.
Only yesterday, (MSF)issued a statement saying (We were forced to reduce the number of children who can receive treatment because the Rapid Support Forces RSF prevented aid trucks from entering El Fasher.).
So the militias are committing war crimes and preventing and looting aid, and the world is silent, and not a single condemnation has come out of those organizations, and they are telling you about the government that is preventing the passage of aid.!! If the government and its army were the ones who looted the aid, all hell would have broken loose!! They also want us to believe that there is what they call a free, democratic world that cares about human rights and is keen on providing us with aid, and it is the same world that supports rebel militias that kill, rape, commit genocide, and loot even the poisoned aid with the agenda that they favor us with!! Yesterday, the Humanitarian Action Commission also issued a statement saying (The truth confirms that what was reported by the Famine Early Warning Network on 1-8-2024 regarding the humanitarian conditions in Zamzam camp for displaced persons in El Fasher has no connection to the truth, and that the report of the Humanitarian Aid Commission in North Darfur on 3-8-2024 stated that a joint visit by the relevant government agencies and some international organizations took place on 23-7-2024 to Zamzam camp, where this visit revealed the stability of the humanitarian situation and that the organizations are providing assistance in the health, nutrition, primary health care and reproductive health sectors, and these organizations are Doctors Without Borders France, Solidarity International and Relief International.. So even the only Zamzam camp that they said had a famine, it turned out that there was no famine in it, according to the testimony of the international organizations working there.!!
The government that is now listening to this drumbeat and empty tin, should only pay attention to the calls of its people calling for crushing the rebellion, and it must at the same time work seriously to fill the food shortage that it caused The militia that has taken large sectors of agricultural land out of the production cycle.
We must not submit to the agenda of the conspirators and move towards action.

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