
Two Qatari Aid Planes Arrive in Sudan

Sudan Events – Reports

Two planes loaded with relief aid from the Qatar Fund for Development arrived at Port Sudan airport on Wednesday. The aid is intended for those affected by floods and heavy rains in the Northern State and River Nile State. The aid includes 430 family tents and around 6,000 blankets and other shelter materials. The planes were received by the Chargé d’Affaires at the Qatari Embassy in Sudan, Abdullah bin Rashid Al-Mahendi, Brigadier Abdullah Mhana Al-Ramel, and representatives from Sudan’s Humanitarian Aid Commission, Sudanese Red Crescent, and Qatar Charity. Dr. Salah Daak, head of the Qatar Red Crescent in Sudan, stated that this aid is part of an air bridge of Qatari assistance to Sudan, which has so far involved 26 planes, with two more expected, bringing the total to 28 since the crisis began.

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