
Arrival of Kuwaiti Aid Plane to Sudan

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

On Tuesday, the third plane of the Kuwaiti air bridge for the relief of flood and rain victims and war-affected people in Sudan arrived at Port Sudan airport, carrying food and medical supplies for the affected states.

The continuous Kuwaiti support for the Sudanese people has now reached 18 previous flights under the banner of “Sudan’s Assistance.”

The Kuwaiti Ambassador to Sudan, Dr. Fahd Al-Dhafiri, stated in a press release at Port Sudan Airport that the aid is an extension of an air bridge provided by Kuwait since the outbreak of war in Sudan, launching a humanitarian project named “Sudan’s Assistance.” The aid was transported through an air and sea bridge, with two ships having arrived. He also revealed plans to deliver aid via Merowe Airport in the coming days to reduce the distance and cost of transportation, providing support to those affected by floods in Northern Sudan, which is the most impacted.

He added that Kuwait has provided medical assistance to cancer patients through a ship loaded with cancer drugs worth $1 million. He noted that cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Health in supporting kidney patients will continue.

The Kuwaiti ambassador also mentioned that the embassy has completed its preparations for the upcoming visit of the Sudanese Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Salwa Adam Benya to Kuwait to discuss the types of assistance Sudan needs, in addition to cooperating with the Ministry of Health to provide medicines for chronic diseases and combat epidemics.

He affirmed that what Kuwait is doing is a small part of its duty toward Sudan, and it will continue its campaign of “Sudan’s Assistance” through the ongoing air bridge. He also hinted at Kuwait’s participation in the reconstruction of what was destroyed by the war, noting that due to its experience and expertise, Kuwait is capable of contributing to the reconstruction process and will not hesitate to help Sudan and its people. Moreover, Kuwait will not delay responding to the call to participate in reconstruction after the war ends.

On his part, the Director of International Cooperation at the Sudanese Red Crescent Society, Barakat Fares Badri, mentioned that the society is distributing the humanitarian aid provided by Kuwaitis to those in need, noting that this is the third plane within the Kuwaiti air bridge for those affected by floods and rains. He added that they are working with the Kuwaiti embassy staff in Sudan to receive and distribute aid to the needy states, praising the Kuwaiti government and people for their continuous support for Sudan.

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