
Commencement of Unloading Stacked Goods at Ashkit and Arqin Crossings

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
The General Administration of Customs has started unloading the stacked goods at Ashkit and Arqin crossings and Osman Digna port. Customs Director, Police Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim explained that the work began by applying customs laws to clear the goods for a month starting from the decision’s issuance date on August 22. He mentioned that after the specified period ends, the suppliers must comply with all requirements, conditions, and import permits according to the law, regulations, and customs bulletins, including submitting the banking procedures forms (IM) through the networking program with the Central Bank of Sudan. He confirmed that his forces at the mentioned locations are doing their utmost to empty the warehouses and yards by increasing working hours and doubling the workforce. He added, “A high committee has been formed to physically inspect the site and work on unloading and clearing the goods according to Sudanese customs law.”

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