
A Blind Committee Without Conscience!! (1/2)

As I see
Adil elbaz
Yesterday, the fact-finding mission established by the Human Rights Council in Geneva issued a bizarre report. But in this world, plagued by the tyranny of the arrogant, nothing is surprising anymore. We truly live in an age of absurdity!
What is the story of this committee, its report, and what did it do? What are the conclusions it reached, and what are its recommendations? You will be astonished. Let’s see.
On October 5, 2023, the United States, Germany, Britain, and Norway rushed to request the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in Geneva to send a team of UN experts to Sudan to monitor human rights violations and investigate potential crimes committed against women, refugees, and children. Nineteen countries voted in favor of the decision, while 16 rejected it, and 12 abstained from voting.
Sudan expressed its reservations about the committee from the beginning. The reason is evident from the composition of the committee: those who proposed it are already seen by Sudan as enemies biased toward the rebellion. America’s stance is well-known, as it established a platform for dialogue in Jeddah but failed to hold the militia accountable to its outcomes. America’s “Janjaweed” and former U.S. ambassador Godfrey have supported the rebellion since the beginning of the war. Germany is merely a submissive follower of American policies regarding Sudan. Norway is the main backer and official sponsor of the “Taqaddum” party, the political wing of the militia. Moreover, the country that pushed for this resolution at the Human Rights Council session on October 5, 2023, was the UAE, which led to the vote: 19 countries in favor and 16 against the formation of the committee. Therefore, it is a committee whose goals are suspicious, and Sudan had reservations about it from the outset, refusing to cooperate with it later on. On the other hand, the militia welcomed full cooperation with the committee, according to the report, perhaps because the militia believed it had committed no violations that the committee could uncover! This is one possibility. Another possibility is that the committee, formed by Sudan’s enemies, had been bought and sold in the markets of Dagalo by its sponsor, ensuring guaranteed results! Which of these reasons do you lean towards?
According to the full report published by the Al-Ahdath newspaper, the committee began its work right from its formation. So, what did it do? What steps and investigations did it conduct to reach the conclusions announced yesterday?
The committee stated in its report, paragraph 11: “The mission obtained direct information through interviews with victims, their families, witnesses, frontline workers, and other sources during visits to Chad, Kenya, and Uganda. By July 31, 2024, the mission had conducted interviews with 182 individuals (67 women and 115 men).”
So, this is the entire scope of the fact-finding mission’s research, which lasted 10 months (from October 5, 2023, to July 31). They only interviewed 364 people or victims during visits to three countries—Chad, Kenya, and Uganda—averaging one person per day. Notice that all the victims are outside Sudan, and despite there being millions of them, according to the report, the committee managed to interview only 364 victims! This is despite the vast resources available to the committee, including planes, assistants, and researchers.
With this flimsy research, lacking objective and methodological standards, the committee arrived at serious conclusions that led to even more dangerous recommendations.

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