
Biden… Too Late!!

As I See It 

Adil Al-Baz


Yes, it is too late… how so? News reports stated that Bin Zayed and President Biden will discuss two topics in their upcoming meeting during the UN summit at the end of this month: Gaza and Sudan. Will Biden ask Bin Zayed to stop supplying weapons to the militias? And if he does, will Bin Zayed admit and acknowledge that he is doing so? Will Biden listen, believe him, and issue him a certificate of innocence? Don’t rule that out, as in America, everything is possible and up for sale, especially during the messy election seasons!


Two issues caught my attention, both on the discussion table in the meeting between Bin Zayed and President Biden. Both are wars that have been raging for two years, Sudan and Gaza, and both have become so complex that no meeting can address or resolve either of them. This is because the UAE is directly involved in the war in Sudan, and the US is deeply involved in the war in Gaza. Both parties are incapable of doing anything constructive in either conflict.


The truth is that Biden no longer has any leverage or cards to play in a positive intervention regarding Sudan. Moreover, he is packing his papers and the remaining bad memories of America’s catastrophic interventions in the world, from Afghanistan, Ukraine, Gaza, and Sudan. He is leaving the White House soon, having failed his foreign policy test, which practically ended with the rise of Kamala Harris. Now, he’s a lame-duck president, with no ability to act either domestically or internationally. Biden… his time is up, and his influence is gone. His words and actions now hold no weight.


In his speech yesterday, Biden was trying to sell us thin air. He spoke as if he had just heard about the war in Sudan, issuing a statement saying, “We call on all parties to end the violence.” This is a lie. The US made the same call a year and a half ago, and Sudan responded by holding negotiations in Jeddah and signing the Jeddah Declaration, with obligations outlined under American guarantees. What did America do? It stood by and watched as the war crushed and displaced the Sudanese people, only to repeat the same call after a year and a half. So who now would believe that this time the call has any credibility? It’s just empty words that Biden’s advisors crammed into a statement he can barely read properly, let alone understand the issue he’s talking about, because he knows nothing about the roots of this conflict or its consequences.


When President Biden said in his speech yesterday that America will not abandon the Sudanese people, it was nothing but deceit from his advisors. America abandoned Sudan a long time ago, since the fall of Nimeiry and even before that, up until now. The Sudanese people have seen nothing from America over the past half-century but sanctions, bombing, embargoes, and some crumbs from the US AID. If the people of Sudan deserved peace, the South wouldn’t have seceded, and if they deserved peace, America wouldn’t have allowed the Janjaweed to wreak havoc across Sudan with its weapons and the funding of its close allies. When people see actions on the ground, no amount of statements, reports, or declarations will fool anyone. America should stop its lies because people are no longer deceived by such nonsense.


In his speech, President Biden said, “Both parties must immediately allow unhindered humanitarian aid access to all areas of Sudan.” Sudan has already allowed aid to enter all areas, but the militias quickly looted the aid and exploited it in the worst way, right under the eyes of the international community. Doctors Without Borders announced the looting of its trucks, and multiple videos showed aid supplies being transported in Janjaweed vehicles. What was the American response, or that of the international organizations working in relief? Nothing. In fact, just yesterday, the UNHCR stated that they could not verify the misuse of aid for military purposes. Do they truly not know who is looting and using the aid? The international community’s complicity with the Janjaweed is so deep that they can’t even issue a single word of condemnation against them, from genocide, city invasions, murder, and rape to the looting of humanitarian aid. How astonishing! This is the same world that speaks of justice and peace… seeking guidance but deliberately boarding the train of madness!

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