Gizera Governor Denies Cancellation of Fees in the Gezira Scheme

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
The Governor of Gezira State, Taher Ibrahim Al-Khair, denied issuing a decision to cancel the service fees for irrigation and administration on the crops planted in the Gezira Scheme this season, during his meeting at his office in Managil with Yasser Abdel Jalil Naqd, Deputy Director of the Agricultural Department of the Managil Sections.
He clarified that the emergency decree previously announced in Gezira State had been canceled, but not the fees. The Governor explained that the director of the Gezira Scheme had issued a decision to exempt 50% of the administrative service fees for the crops to support farmers in light of their circumstances this season.
It is worth mentioning that the Federal Ministry of Finance is the responsible authority for determining the administrative and irrigation service fees for crops grown in the scheme.