Sudan Events – Follow-ups
The Ministry of Health announced the launch of the national campaign to combat disease vectors in 18 localities across 12 states from January 27 to February 26, with support from the Ministry of Finance, at a cost of 1 billion and 50 million Sudanese pounds.
Hamza Sami Al-Jak, the director of disease vector control, stated in a press release that the national campaign will begin in the states of Kassala, Gedaref, Red Sea, Blue Nile, White Nile, Sennar, Gezira, Khartoum, Northern, Nile River, North Kordofan, and North Darfur. He confirmed that the campaign aims to respond to outbreaks of dengue fever and the rising cases of malaria, as indicated by epidemiological monitoring reports and mosquito vector surveillance reports.
Al-Jak pointed out that preparations have already begun with federal supervision arriving in the targeted states to follow up and oversee the campaign’s activities.
He expects the campaign to reduce both the density of disease-carrying mosquitoes and the incidence of dengue and malaria, in addition to addressing many mosquito breeding sites inside and outside homes.