Society & Culture

Imitating songs.. the Way to wealth

Sudan Events: Magda Hassan

Ten years of repeating other people’s songs until we can call it (the decade of imitators). Despite the recent boom in media devices, traditionalism in artistic dealing was the most prominent feature, as these devices decide for the artist what to sing and decide for the recipient what to hear.
* Mass Media
The exacerbation of the phenomenon of imitators is largely due to the media and some television channels, which worked to establish them as artists.
TV programs are only marketed with their participation. Which never departed from imitation, and the singer Saif Al-Jameaa blamed those channels for the decline that accompanied the youth’s journey, as they now had two types of songs: down-to-earth singing outside the media system and singing imitating the channels. In this way, Al Jamaa believes that it has missed a very great opportunity to encourage these youths who love singing, to support them to compete in producing their own songs, and to protect the production of others and their literary rights.
* tradition
At the end of one year and the beginning of another, as we pause to review our artistic career and what we have accomplished, we will not find a new artist or a new song – especially in the media – and we will find in the record of creativity and creators, perhaps for ten years back, nothing but a pile of imitation and crowds of imitators, who have passed on, without They leave an impact, after filling the arena with noise and uproar without any real production.
* Promising projects
Mustafa Sayed Ahmed can be considered the last of the great artists who had a clear and distinct contribution and imprint on Sudanese singing.
It is almost a school in itself.
After him, the arena was filled with many projects by promising singers and those with no promise.
This crowd of half and quarters of artists tried to fill the void that resulted from the cessation of major artists in renewal… and their departure one after the other.
Few of that crowd tried honestly and sincerely to be an artist. He has his own artistic project and works hard towards this path.
But he did not continue the journey until the end for various reasons… including not dealing with art as a serious issue and a message, so they chose to withdraw, and search for other fields that suit their true potential and abilities.
* Richness
However, the most important thing that remains in the artistic arena from the experimentation that it has witnessed over the last decade at least, is the crowd of imitators and imitators who have occupied the artistic scene .So the last decade can be described as a decade of imitators. Those who became famous for performing other people’s songs are the ones who built their fame on the ruins of others, and perhaps those songs were their way to wealth at the real abilities and capabilities.

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