Society & Culture

Singer Salah Brown to Sudan Events


* What the arts accomplished, politicians and the military could not do

* Youth have amazing ideas that will emerge after the war

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

The singer Salah Brown is still stationed in Omdurman, like other Sudanese and creative people, exhausted by the war, waiting for the sunrise of a new day without the sounds of cannons and donuts.
This period, despite its difficulty, is a period of looking at things from afar, of artistic contemplation, and of striving to present what is humanly and artistically possible.
Brown has been concerned for years with the conditions of the Union of Modern Music and Jazz singers and the search for a home for them and a better situation, particularly since most of them are elderly and suffer from chronic diseases.

Culture leads life

Brown believes that the slogan of the solution in art came too late and said: Better late than never, as the saying goes. In such situations, the war that broke out without preparation or warning put everyone, after these months that lasted, into a state of panic, amazement, and lack of concentration.
Rather, the thoughts that were stuck in the memory were dispersed, waiting for the opportunity to be implemented.
Brown likened the idea to a slogan raised and repeated by the former Minister of Culture, Al-Samual Khalafallah (Culture Leads Life): Earlier, as you know, the former Minister of Culture, Al-Samal Khalafallah, presented the “Culture Leads Life” project, which is an affirmation of the necessity of the arts in our lives and the direct and indirect effects they produce, through the struggle of our people the great one, from the days of colonialism until his departure, in October 64 and April 85, 2019, and the creative reserve is still full of pearls that move the Sudanese citizen to do the impossible in order to emerge from the swamp to the palms of the future, even with freedom, justice, and peace.
Singer Brown emphasized on the role of culture and arts throughout the ages in society.
If we trace the role of the art in Sudan and in the countries around , we can be certain what the arts and culture did, politicians and the military alike were unable to do.

Consensus on art

Brown pointed out that the multiplicity of Sudanese rhythms and cultures can form what the Sudanese have in common.
Often, a singer unites the politically diverse, united by the love of art or the love of a particular singer:Our country is endowed by Allah with the blessing of cultural and rhythmic diversity.
Sudanese society with all its ethnicities agreed on singing works presented by singers among whom I mention, for example, the giant singer , the late Mohamed Wardi, the late Mohamed Al-Amin, Sharhabeel Ahmed, and Abu Araki Al-Bakhit, and the list goes on by mentioning only the names that people came together to love.
As I mentioned previously, the state requires comprehensive attention and care for all creative people, and now in these conditions , no one knows anything about them, and the Minister of Culture, I think, is Port Sudan.

Difficulties and Obstacles

Despite this difficult circumstance, Brown and others are trying to produce with the available capabilities: it is difficult in such an atmosphere to have artistic production of value.
We, in the Union of Modern Music Bands, tried to move the scene in the modern direction available and make short videos that tell about the homeland and the phenomena produced by the negative and positive war, but we were shocked by the difficulty of the process, by the lack of the simplest of these capabilities on the one hand, and on the other hand, the difficulty of gathering artists and musicians in light of this electrified atmosphere with instruments.
Destruction. Believe me, young people today have amazing and extremely wonderful ideas, but the question is: What will the situation be like after this damned war stops, and in what direction will our boats be docked?

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