
Expectations of Huge Production of Corn in Gedaref


Sudan Events – Nahed Oshi

Preliminary estimates in Gedaref State revealed the volume of production during this season at more than (2) million bags of sesame, and about (12) million bags of corn, in addition to abundant production of many oilseed, food and cash crops.

The state government announced the stability of crop markets and described the agricultural season as “successful.”

The Director General of the Ministry of Finance in Gedaref State, Najat Ahmed Mohamed, said in a press statement that, until last week, corn imports in Gedaref crop markets amounted to (two million) and (32) thousand and (991) sacks of corn, while sesame imports amounted to about (two million) and (20) thousand sacks, confirming the continued flow of agricultural crops, and the continuation of deportations to the states and exports.

Pointing to the interventions undertaken by the state government, in the face of security sanitation, and in response to the increasing sanitation due to the displaced and the influx of patients from neighboring states, in addition to social interventions to confront the high cost of living for workers, and support vulnerable segments, pointing to the interest of the state governor in social remedies, and owning projects for small producers.

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