
Hussein Khojali Writes: There are only Al-Takina, Al-Fasher, Babanusa and Omdurman in Al-Jubba

Hussein Khojali Writes:
There are only Al-Takina, Al-Fasher, Babanusa and Omdurman in Al-Jubba
Al-Takina, the city, the village, and the village, the city, replete with noble morals, the adornments of civilization, religiosity, and gifts, remained a blemish on the shining face of Gezira, and it will remain that way forever, despite the attitude of the haters. Its homes and khalwas were and still are free boarding houses for all students and strangers from different parts of Sudan and its far-flung borders, and students from Muslim Africa, where they gained knowledge from its famous scientific institute, which graduated thousands of scholars and from its various schools. The hearts and homes of its people were a passion for every student of knowledge, those in need, and those searching for a livelihood and a profession. The people of Sudan did not think that all these merits would be met with such treachery and ingratitude by the descendants of these strangers, as they used their weapons to kill and terrorize all parts of this peaceful and steadfast city. These oppressors have forgotten all the hands that were extended to them with benevolence and generous assistance without showiness or harm, and we find in their satires nothing but these words that do not cover their meanness, treachery and baseness:
Have you forgotten who share you milk and food of their children
Have you forgotten in homes and khalwa did their best to sposor you
Have you forgotten those who taught you the principles of religion through writing
Sopn, you will break down and be of no importance
The traitorous invaders thought that they would sweep this lofty city in a few minutes, as they did to many others, with immoral weapons and bloody souls. Then, its valiant youth confronted it with pride, making history bow down to them with honor and awe, as if they were a group that rolled like pearls scattered from the first battles of Islam.
Quran memorizers who made a circle for learning
And the fasting persons of the hot days are not shaken by a bandit
Those who have excercises of bravery
Do not accept oppression and be permissible by a gang

The witness said: From the balcony of the martyrs, the knights returned to their mosques victorious, presenting the first lesson of heroism for the present of Gezira and the future of Sudan, which declared general mobilization and a government of war and dignity, and since that day in Takina became the Sudanese armed states.
At dawn, the mosques resounded with the holy statement, the first ablution in the history of mankind (This is a clarification for the people, and a guidance and an admonition for the righteous. * And do not become weak, nor be sad, and you will prevail if you are believers Your sickness is an ulcer; an ulcer like it has touched the people. And those days We alternate them among the people, so that God may know those who have believed and take from among you martyrs. By God He does not like the wrongdoers. And God will purify those who believe and destroy the disbelievers. Or did you think that you would enter Paradise without God knowing those of you who strived, and He knows? The patient)

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