
Wad Al Nora..new atrocities

Amgad Fareid Eltayeb

The attempts by supporters of the Rapid Support Forces militia followed by some ill-willed followers of #Taqadum, to justify the massacre committed by this fascist militia in the village of Wad Al-Noura in Al Gezira State—where #RSF killed 150 martyrs fell in a single day—are nothing short of unparalleled moral and political decadence that defy any other comparison. The militia’s atrocities, are not justifiable and your efforts to justify them directly contribute to them! Furthermore, the feeble attempts by certain parties to evade responsibility by”fulfilling the duty” of sympolic verbal condemnation are insufficient.

Hasn’t it been enough? What is happening in Al Gezira, and before that, what occurred in El Fashir, Khartoum, and Geneina— and everywhere the hands of the Janjaweed mercenaries have reached—should awaken you from your illusions and the coma of dreams of petty power ambitions, even if it comes via the barrels of the weapons of Janjaweed militia. The deaths unfolding in Sudan are a bloody reality that cannot be concealed by installing Hamdok (whom you previously described as the coup’s secretary) at the helm of your coalition. Hamdok’s popularity doesn’t stem from his own merits; it arises from Sudanese people’s alignment with him and their hope for a dignified and secure life. Hamdok does not possess a miraculous staff to market your agenda to Sudanese citizens whom you refuse even to empathize with their suffering as they face killings, looting, displacement, and rape inflicted by the militia. Sudanese seek safety far by fleeing from RSF, while you drown in the labyrinth of forming exile governments, delegitimizing government, and delusions of representation in the United Nations—all while borrowing legitimacy from external sources to water down the heinous acts of the militia. The purpose of engaging in politics and public service is to serve these people, not to treat them as mere zeros on your political calculus while you exchange pleasantries and keep shifting positions.

Stop drowning in your self-imposed illusions of entitlement and awaken to the dark tunnel into which you’ve led the country, tormenting Sudanese citizens along the way.

The Rapid Support Forces is a fascist militia whose existence is incompatible with any semblance of normal life anywhere in Sudan. #RSFisAFascistMilitia.

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