
Emergency Project in Sudan, Launched

Sudan Events – Nahed Oshi

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Rapid Response Fund (RRF) have completed the implementation of the first phase of the emergency project to support the displaced, which is implemented by the Sahel Sudan Organization.

The emergency project aims to support the displaced with shelter materials, water, and livelihoods in the North Delta locality, Kassala State, where aid was distributed today, Saturday, to (127) displaced families, with (2,431) cooking utensils, (331) blankets, (254) tarpaulins, and (254) water containers and (254) plastic brushes.

The total number of families to whom support was provided reached (290) families in the locality residing in (Matatib, Olip, Al-Tadamon, Al-Wahda). The total amount of aid amounted to (580) pieces of mattresses, (580) water containers, (580) shelter tarpaulins, and (870) Blankets, in addition to (5,425) cooking utensils, (900) cartons of sanitary equipment for women, and in the next phase of the project, cash funds will be distributed to meet the needs of the displaced in terms of clothing. The project includes a health promotion program.

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