
(Nairobi Summit) pledges to support (Green Africa)

Agencies – Sudan Event

Speakers during the African Climate Summit held in Nairobi, on its second day, unanimously agreed on the importance of supporting a green Africa and transforming it into a “superpower in the field of renewable energy.”
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said in his speech to the summit yesterday: “Renewable energies may be the African miracle… We must work together so that Africa becomes a superpower in the field of renewable energy,” calling on the G20 leaders, who will meet this weekend in India, To “assume their responsibilities” in combating climate change.
Leaders of countries, governments and sector officials, along with thousands of attendees, are participating in the summit, as Africa seeks to enhance its capabilities in the field of clean energy.
For his part, US climate envoy John Kerry expressed, on the sidelines of the summit, his hope that “Washington and Beijing will come closer” during the upcoming negotiations to combat climate warming.

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