Society & Culture

Killing the Schoolboy

Poem by 

Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek

Dedicated to the lost souls of the schoolboys and schoolgirls

of El-Obied Massacre in Kordofan July 29,2019


He was only a schoolboy,

On his way to school

He was thirteen, slim and tall

Unaware of the world around him

About to start his school day at a gym

As he was good at athletics

Excellent in physics and mathematics

And because he was a normal boy

His life was always full of joy

With his books all the day and his games

And sometimes changes his toys

With other boys

But he did never destroy or annoy,

Or disturb anyone’s joy

And because he was a normal boy,

He used to enjoy life with high dreams

Surrounded with a pool of good friends

And because he was a boy

A normal boy

He spends a lot of time reading books

Watching films, especially Tom and Jerry

But keen to do his assignments on time

Then will hurry,

To sneak on his Web Pages

On the Facebook and Instagram

Sending photos of birds and animals

As he dreams one day to be a vet

Then after that he will text his classmates

To make a date

For a tournament in the evening

At the school gate

He was only a boy, thirteen years old! !

Smart and bold

But on that day,

He was on his way, to school

Armed with some pencils,

Some textbooks, a football

And a ruler of twelve inches

His school bag on his shoulder

He did never talk to a soldier


The sniper shot him from above the roof

Why for? What for?

What did he want to prove?

Why did he kill the boy in cold blood?

Because the boy asked for a loaf of bread…

Was it a good reason to shoot him dead?

With a bullet on the back of his head?

That was exactly what the sniper skillfully did

He shot the boy dead on the head

Then the boy came down to the ground

His face kissed the sand of his land

The golden sand of Shykan in Kordofan

Where history began in Sudan

He was only a boy! !

But the sniper shot him down

He gave him no time

To defend himself

Or know his crime

He gave him no time

To say his prayers

Or say a goodbye to his family

Or pay a farewell to his Mom and dad

He was a mere poor lad

His soul soon went to sky

He did never shout against the soldiers

And he did never break their orders

He only asked for food

And a cup of water for the day

To finish his school and run away

Back home

Where he would sit down in his simple room

Read his books and do his homework

As soon as possible to join his schoolmate

At the school gate

To play an evening football match

But he did not think of the fate

That a sniper would shoot him

On the back of his head

And make him dead

But still SNIPER…….

Who taught you to (shoot to kill?) *

And still

Why did you kill the schoolboy?

What was his crime?




In fact, there was no cause

But, ah….. because, the boy was too smart,

Slim and tall! !

And because he was adored by all

All his friends…

Because he was very good at football! !

And because, because he used to love the school


* A quotation for the famous Sudanese politician, Ali Othman Mohammed Taha, giving permission for the soldiers to shoot and kill any citizen crossing borders and carrying food to South Sudan.

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