The second edition launch of the “Land of Light” Festival

Khartoum – Sudan Events
The second edition of the “Land of Light Festival” activities will begin next Saturday from the theatre of the Teachers College in Ad_Damar, which this time aims to introduce cities in terms of capabilities, people, and components.
The event: (In the presence of Ad-Dahmer… We meet in love).
The Land of Light Festival was launched last January and carried out a group of events in Khartoum, El_Geneina, Port Sudan and Atbara, some of which were dedicated to supporting the railway, the national air carrier Sudanair, sea ports, and tourist and archaeological areas in the Bagrawiya region.
The head of the festival, director, Al-Tayeb Siddiq, general manager of Nous Media Company, which produces the Land of Light Festival, said that the launch of the second edition of Ad-Damer in the Nile River State is to symbolise the scientific, religious and cultural city and reveal its contributions to national affairs in various aspects of life.
He explained that the Land of Light Festival will highlight Ad-Damer as one of the cities that has suffered the most from lack of development, even though it has been a regional capital for nearly a hundred years.
Siddiq said that this version supports the effort to rehabilitate Ad-Damer Hospital, which is considered the beginning of the return of popular and youth activity to lift the greater city of Ad-Damer from its reality that does not satisfy ambition.
The people of Ad-Damer interacted with the invitation to the first meeting to think about holding the festival with a coffee shop in the old Ad-Damer market as one of the ancient coffee shops in the market.
Also, Informal meetings continued to prepare for the festival at the historic “Zayed Coffee” in the Big Market (Alsouq Alkabeer).
Interested residents and notables of Ad-Damer held a meeting at Al-Samandal Café in Ad-Damer district, setting the main guidelines for the festival, and it was agreed to continue the meetings at (Al-Samandal Café) and the headquarters of the People’s Authority for the Development of the city of Ad-Damer.