
Sudan Takes Measures to Remove Import and Export Obstacles 

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Trade and Supply, Abdul Baqi Issa, stressed his ministry’s keenness to overcome all obstacles facing import and export operations.

Issa said in press statements that the ministry, due to the circumstances of the ongoing war in the country, began its activity since the beginning of last May, especially in the procedures for incoming and outgoing offices from its offices in the states, adding that those offices were already in place. They were represented in the northern states, the Red Sea, the Nile River, Al Jazeera, North Kordofan and North Darfur. He also noted that the work focused during this period on the states that have crossings and ports for import and export procedures, such as the Red Sea state, indicating that this is what made the ministry begin its work early on, with the testimony of exporters and importers. He denied that the ministry was a reason for slowing down and disrupting their work, and he added: We have shown very high flexibility to complete the procedures related to imports and exports, trusting the cooperation of the private sector to complete the cycles of export and import activity across the states.

He noted that his ministry was necessitated by the need to support some of the existing offices with a number of specialized cadres from the presidency of the ministry in light of the circumstances prevailing now, in order to strengthen the existing offices.

He stated that the existing offices are fully delegated with the powers of the Federal Ministry and they work side by side with the already existing cadres and with the utmost harmony and cooperation. He revealed that this stage is focusing on three offices in the Red Sea states, the northern states, through crossings with the Arab Republic of Egypt, and in turn with the whole world in the field of import and export, next to the Gezira state office through the dry port, east of Madani.

He said that Port Sudan has witnessed the holding of many meetings with many parties, adding that his ministry held an important meeting with the Minister of Finance, Dr. Jibril Ibrahim, and explained to him the progress of the ministry’s performance and its requirements.

The Minister, in turn, showed great response in support of the Ministry and also noted their meeting with the Emergency Technical Committee to raise some issues related to trade, stressing that they had witnessed an unparalleled response from them, ensuring that they would benefit from the practice to develop work and solve many problems and ensure that they would show the utmost degree of flexibility without breaching the Ministry’s regulations under consideration that this is an exceptional case.

Regarding the ministry directing its activities from the northern state, he said that this came as a result of the distribution of ministers to the states according to the nature of each state, referring to the commercial nature of the northern state. He explained the full coordination and cooperation in this regard to take the necessary decisions.

In addition, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce and Supply held an important meeting with the National Chamber of Trucking in the Red Sea State, headed by Ashraf Abdullah Abd Rabbo. The meeting reviewed some of the outstanding problems in order to find the necessary solutions to them through the Emergency Technical Committee and the competent authorities that have a relationship with the chamber’s activity, considering them as deportees alongside the relevant institutions to address their outstanding issues with the competent federal authorities located in Port Sudan.

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