
Severe Cash Crisis in Khartoum

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Citizens who still live in Khartoum have complained about their difficulty in obtaining cash, as they rely mainly on the “Bankak” application to manage the needs necessary for their living, despite the interruption the application is witnessing due to the weakness of the internet network.

A woman confirmed to (Sudan Events) about a crisis in cash flow and confirmed that she is struggling to obtain “cash” through the Bankak application in the areas near her residence (west of Khartoum), indicating that if cash is found, a percentage of up to 30% is deducted.

Moreover, the complaint was not limited to the western Khartoum region, even southern Khartoum (Al-Kalakla Al-Lafa area) suffers from the same crisis.

Some banking experts attributed this to the looting operations by the Rapid Support (RSF) Militia of banks, money exchanges, and currency mints, and the smuggling of these banknotes out of Khartoum.

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