Irrigation Announces providing Water to Cultivate 1 Million Acres of Wheat in Gezira State

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
Acting Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources , Eng. Daw Al-Bayt Mohamed Abdel Rahman, announced his ministry’s readiness to provide water supply to irrigate an area of one million acres in the winter loop of the Gezira Scheme .
The minister confirmed during his meeting (Tuesday) with the Governor of the Gezira Scheme , Dr. Omar Muhammad Marzouq Barakat, that his ministry has made all arrangements to provide the water needs of the wheat crop during the winter season.
Daou Al-Bayt called on farmers to integrate roles and concerted official and popular efforts for the success of the agricultural season , stressing the importance of stopping infringements on irrigation facilities and facing challenges, adding that his ministry will work to distribute drilling mechanisms to the various sections of the Scheme to remove silt and weeds.
Governor of Gezira Scheme, Dr. Omar Mohamed Marzouq said that during the next two days, the total areas targeted for cultivation with wheat will be announced, stressing the commitment of the governor to provide thirty thousand gallons of gasoline for the owners of private sector mechanisms, which committed to be provided by the leader Hafez Ahmed Ibrahim Abu Noh and distributing them to the various sections of the project for the preparations of the wheat crop lands.