
UNHCR: Sudan War Turns‘Homes to Cemeteries’

Sudan Events- Sumaya Sayed

“The war that erupted without warning turned previously peaceful Sudanese homes into cemeteries,” said Dominique Hyde, Director of External Relations at UNHCR.
“Away from the eyes of the world and the news headlines, the conflict in Sudan continues to rage. Across the country, an unimaginable humanitarian crisis is unfolding, as more and more people are displaced by the relentless fighting,” Ms. Hyde added.
Within Sudan, 4.5 million people have been internally displaced since April, when the war began, while a further 1.2 million – mostly women and girls – fled to neighbouring countries, including Chad.
The UNHCR official highlighted, Tuesday the situation in the volatile Darfur region, where fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has caused even more displacement with thousands struggling to find shelter and many sleeping under trees by the roadside.

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