Decisions to Resolve problems facing Sukei Authority

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdulla
A month following the complaint filed by farmers of the Sukei Authority (specialized Mahla wad Taktuok, and Wad Ounsa Salama), the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has now directed reduction of the administrative fees imposed by the Sukei Agricultural Authority on acres to SDG 5000.
The Acting Undersecretary at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Chairperson of the Committee for Resolving the Problem of the Sukei Agricultural Authority, Dr. Salah El-Din Sharif Tambal took a number of decisions according to an official circular issued today (Monday).
These include the right to recover Abu Eshrenat, maintenance, management advance, and insurance related to Machala and Wad Ounsa after reviewing documents supporting the disbursement.
The committee named the Director-General of the Sukei Agricultural Authority, Sir Al-Khatm Al-Badawi, to continue his position as Director-General of the Authority until a decision taken by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.
He added that the harvest celebration day will be determined by the Sukei Authority under the supervision of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.
For his part, the head of Mahla Wadtaktouk Specialist Association and the Head of the Sukei Agricultural Scheme Rehabilitation Initiative, Eng. Omar Hashem, welcomed the decisions considering them positive.