
UAE..The Face of Evil

Sudan Event-Talal Mudathir

Assistant Commander of the Sudanese Army – Member of the Sovereign Council of Sudan, General Yasser Al-Atta, renewed the stand of the Sudanese army’s and ability to resolve and eliminate the rebellion, praising at the same time the professionalism and steadfastness that the army showed in absorbing the shocks and strong blows to which they were exposed to.
Al-Atta, who spoke yesterday before a gathering of the forces of the Anti-Terrorism and Organized Crime Authority affiliated with the Intelligence Service and the Central Reserve Forces in Omdurman, said these forces were able to clean large areas off the filth of the rebellion, announcing at the same time the arrival of supplies huge number of forces to begin marching in all directions, indicating that the General Command has developed plans to achieve all operational goals while continuing on alert operations in a very large way to catch up with the support of the homeland.
Al-Atta praised the efforts of the forces and the battles they fought, stressing that the people of this ancient nation with a long and pure history will write epics about heroics, stories and narratives on the wall of time for future generations that will be told over the flames of fire and chronicled in the book of history.
The Assistant Commander of the Sudanese Army gave good news of victory and the achievement of all goals after the blood of the people of this nation had flowed for eight months, staining this honorable land, and that it would not be a waste, but would grow wheat. He promised and wished again to the forces that the entity of the Sudanese state would not collapse.
Meanwhile, Yasser Al-Atta announced that they had received from the army commander the hidden force and the deadly force, which he had previously indicated that they had not used yet, adding that people had seen features of it yesterday, referring to 35 bases belonging to the Rapid Support militia in the capital, Khartoum, which the army attacked from a distance with advanced smart weapons. He killed her yesterday.
The Assistant Commander of the Sudanese Army launched an attack of its kind on the United Arab Emirates, saying that he knows that there is a terrorist organization or a criminal organization, but he has not heard of a mafia state like the Emirates, describing it as “a country that loves ruin and walks in the footsteps of evil,” despite the goodness of its brotherly people. His expression, adding that the UAE during the time of its founding leader, Sheikh Zayed bin Nahyan, was a country of goodness and giving, but the successor was behind evil.
Al-Atta accused countries, presidents and influential leaders in the neighborhood of “bribery” and taking mercenaries and working for personal interests and not for the interests of their people, warning them of the consequences of these actions, revealing the cover that they had received reports and information from the General Intelligence Service and military and foreign intelligence that the UAE was sending planes to support the Janjaweed through the airports of Entebbe in Uganda and via it to Africa. During the control of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner Group over Central Africa, and after the dismantling of these forces, planes began transporting supplies through the “Am Djers” ​​airport in Chad, with the knowledge of influential figures in the Chadian leadership.
Al-Atta sent a stern warning to the Libyan leadership, saying that Haftar in Benghazi must stop the absurdity, adding that any country that participates in aiding and supporting the rebellion will be turned around, and that the Sudanese intelligence services have sufficient experience to repay the debt and the wounds.
At the conclusion of his speech, Al-Atta thanked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, King Salman, and his Crown Prince for their support of Sudan and their pursuit of the safety of its land, in addition to sister Egypt for the support and support it provided and their reception of hundreds of thousands of Sudanese without harm or harm. Al-Atta gave reserved thanks to the United States of America and all the international organizations that condemned the brutal crimes of the Janjaweed.
In addition to South Sudan, the Chadian, Algerian, Jordanian people, sisterly Qatar, Kuwait, the Sultanate of Oman, and Turkey.

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