
Why Jeddah Platform Negotiations Faltered?

Khartoum – Sudan Events

The Sudanese Army revealed why the indirect talks between them and the RSF collapsed, after more than a month in the Saudi city of Jeddah, and which focused on the humanitarian file, implementing confidence-building measures and ending military manifestations in the capital, Khartoum.
A member of the government negotiating team told Al Jazeera Net that the reason for the failure of the negotiations is that the Rapid Support Forces delegation insisted on bartering its exit from civilians’ private homes in Khartoum, with placing checkpoints in the roads and near public institutions and service sites “water and electricity” and hospitals, following their withdrawal from them, having already conceded they have been occupying those utilities and institutions
The member – who requested anonymity – explained that the Rapid Support position is considered a retreat from the “Jeddah Declaration” signed by both parties last May, in which the other party committed to evicting the homes of citizens, civilian installation, and service sites, without any preconditions.
The source believed that the presence of rapid support’s checkpoints in the roads and near government institutions and civilian sites constitutes a constant threat to people, as these points are the responsibility of the police and not the responsibility of a military forces, which violates the “Jeddah Declaration” clauses on ending military manifestations in the capital.

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