Official: Climate Change Impacts Vast Sudanese Areas

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
Director of the Forestry Department at the Sudan Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and member of the delegation participating in COP28, Sumaya Omer Majzoub Abdoun, revealed that Sudan has been one of the countries that suffer from the repercussions of climate change.
She confirmed that climate change has affected about 70% of the Sudanese lands that are located in the desert. She said these lands were affected negatively in terms of problems of desertification, drought, and the accumulation of desert dunes.
She expressed optimism about the outcomes announced by COP28, headed by the UAE, the most important of which is the activation of the Global Climate Fund, which is one of the positive results for developing countries.
She indicated her participation in financing negotiations for the least developed countries, adding that she reviewed the Sudanese problem due to climate change, which affected the local economy and the deterioration of the infrastructure due to the huge losses resulting from the floods that the country was exposed, the most recent of which was recorded in 2022