
WHO Receives List of Sudan Urgent Medical Needs

Sudan Events-follow up

Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director General of the United NATIONS World Health Organization(WHO) has pointed out on Thursday upon a meeting with the Sudanese minister for Foreign Affair, Ali Al Sadiq, on the margin of the International Forum on Refugees, he reviewed in the meeting the means for provision of assistance of the Sudan and how to help the health workers carry out their tasks as well as the urgent health requirements in the Sudan
The WHO official has pointed out that he considered peace realization as the most urgent need for the Sudanese people more than the drugs and medial supplies
The Minister has meanwhile commended the role played by WHO in the Sudan under the current circumstances in response to the critical health situation that resulted from the war being waged by the Janjaweed militias against the Sudan and its people. He said he also reviewed with the UN official the repercussions of the war on the health situation in the country. he also reminded that the militia are used to occupy the health facilities and hospitals and turned them into military barracks, in serious and flagrant violation for the international humanitarian laws and for the Geneva conventions and protocols
The minister has handed the WHO Director a list of the urgent medical supplies the Sudan is in need of, reaffirming at the same time that Sudan stands ready to cooperation with the organization constructively.

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