Sorghum Harvest of 120,000 Fedans Launch

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The Acting Minister of Production and Economic Resources of the White Nile State, Sadiq Mohamed Osman, inaugurated (Monday) the beginning of wheat crop cultivation in the Shawwal project in Rabak locality, funded by Kamal Bushra Company in a contractual partnership with farmers.
The Minister of Production said that the state targeted this season to plant 120,000 fedans with wheat, in addition to estimated areas for growing fodder and vegetables, and pointed to the in-kind support from agricultural inputs provided by the World Food Program (WFP) to farmers in irrigated projects this season.
Meanwhile, Engineer Tariq Nasser, Director of the Irrigated Projects Department, stated that the cultivation and irrigation operations for the wheat crop are proceeding at a good level in an area of 80,000 fedans in the irrigated projects. As for the summer agricultural season, the Director of the Irrigated Projects indicated the beginning of the harvest of the sorghum crop in an area of 120,000 irrigated fedans, and said that this area is considered the largest in the recent history of irrigated projects in the state, and the harvested areas achieved an average productivity ranging between 15-17 sacks per fedan.
For his part, investor Kamal Bushra said that despite the high production cost of the wheat crop, the company entered into this partnership to contribute to providing food security, stimulating the region’s economy, and achieving the interests of both parties of the partnership.