
WFP: RSF looted Madani food stock

Sudan Events-Follow-ups

The United Nations World Food Program strongly condemned the looting of food supplies from its headquarters in Gezira State last weekend after members of the Rapid Support militia stormed the warehouse and office after seizing Wad Madani.
A statement issued by the United Nations on Thursday said that the warehouse looted by the Rapid Support contained enough stock to feed nearly 1.5 million people suffering from severe food insecurity for one month in Gezira State, as the new attack forced more than 300,000 people to flee again for their lives.
“This is intolerable and must stop,” said Michael Dunford, WFP Regional Director for East Africa. “In areas under their control, the RSF must ensure the protection of humanitarian aid, staff and buildings.” He added
The World Food Program warehouse contains more than 2,500 metric tons of life-saving food, including pulses, sorghum, vegetable oils and nutritional supplements.
The aim of these specialized nutritious foods was to prevent malnutrition and support its treatment for more than 20,000 children and pregnant and lactating women through health centers supported by the World Food Programme.
The World Food Program was forced to temporarily stop distribution operations in Gezira State last weekend.

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