Society & Culture

Art and Politics, Which One Stands Behind the Other?


Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

The Ukraine war has drawn many attention to the fact that the one sitting in power there and leading the battles is an artist. He is not the first artist to enter politics and of course he will not be the last.

Art and politics

What is certain is that art is always behind politics, while art people complain about the opposite. If we look globally, art of its various types has provided great leadership for their country, starting from Ronald Reagan in the White House, all the way to Zelensky, the current president of Ukraine, passing through dozens of examples of artists who approached politics and found honor from it.

The connection between art and politics

Great… Politics is defined as the art of the possible, and art is the language of life, and multiple factors link the two. Art has often supported politics, and politics has often supported arts of all kinds. Creators believe that if politics provides a climate for creativity, this gives art a high degree of freedom that allows… With its prosperity and profound influence…

Support and discount

Over time, there have been a number of artists who have approached politics and even presented artistic works that support the authority, whether in terms of singing or acting, and this is not necessarily the case at all.

There are artists who stay away from politics as much as they can by understanding that merely expressing an opinion may be disqualified by the masses.

To convince

Throughout history, art has been closely linked to politics. What politicians cannot say directly to the people, artists succeed in convincing them through words and tone.

The Sudanese drama was present and supported even during the presidential elections, as well as the singing torches that were simplified as information to reach the voting citizen.


The world presented honorable models that combined art and politics… and countries even crowned those who were famous in the artistic field as presidents, without any (role) detracting from the other. Or without anyone shaking the representative ruler.

There is a seamless integration that does not make you feel inferior to one profession over the other. On the other hand, the actor was able to impose his personality and understanding on those around him. If not more, then he is not less than others in any way, and this is what makes him accepted wherever he goes and wherever he is nominated.

To serve art

Honorable Sudanese models who have commanded respect in this direction are Faraj Al-Tayeb, Makki Sinada, Mustafa Sanad and Hamad Al-Rih, creative people who were in the National Transitional Council – Khartoum State Legislator and the late singer Mohamed Mirghani, who entered Parliament with his art and to serve his art. Likewise, the artist Abdul Qadir Salem and Ambassador Ali Mahdi are names of Sudanese creators who gained prestige and respect and did not feel that art was intertwined with politics. Perhaps there are personalities who make you feel that this is a right of theirs without any specific gains behind it.


Politics has entered the field of art since ancient times, say since the era of Saif al-Dawla and al-Mutanna, and regimes have been thinking about those who express it artistically and deliver their messages through easily digestible arts. . This face close to power, or the creative politician, was not as repulsive as it is currently in societies’ dealings with creative people whose affiliation to regimes is doubtful. There have always been spaces reserved for authority, and art must exploit them intelligently.

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