Society & Culture

A Sudanese Poet Exploits Science and Literature in Arabic language


Sudan Events 

The Sudanese poet Mohamed Hassan wrote a rich literary experience that was not limited to the vertical poem, but also wrote in other poetic styles. He also experimented with writing in different literary genres, devoted his academic specialization to serving his literature.

The Sudanese poet Mohammad Hassan won the Golden Rhymes Award in Sharjah, where he was honored in a special celebration held for the winners within the activities of the Sharjah Arab Poetry Festival in its twentieth session, which was held during the period from the eighth to the fourteenth of January,2024 in which dozens of poets and critics participated.

According to Al-Arab newspaper, the poet has achieved a distinguished poetic experience since his first collection, “Memory of the Brown Boy,” which was received with great celebration by cultural circles, and established his name as a poet known for his contributions to the field of digitizing the Arabic language.

At the beginning, Mohamed Hassan emphasizes in his speech that winning the Golden Rhymes Award and being honored in Sharjah gave him a moral boost from “people who breathe poetry” – according to him – and, for example, a strong motivation for him to move forward in writing. He considers his participation at the Sharjah Arab Poetry Festival and winning the Rhymes Award is an opportunity to share his poetic works with a wider audience.

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