
About Meeting between Al-Kabashi and Abdul-Rahim Dagalo, Scenarios to End the War

Osman Jalal writes 

Reports were leaked about secret meetings that took place in the Bahraini capital Manama, between Lieutenant General Shams Al-Din Al-Kabashi and the rebel Abdul Rahim Dagalo, in preparation for the resumption of direct negotiations between the army and the militia in the Jeddah Platform, after Sudan froze its membership in IGAD due to its bias towards the Dagalo militia, as a result of the UAE showered its quintals of gold and money on its corrupt political submissive leaders.

It is known that war in political jurisprudence is the management of political issues with the tools of violence in the event that the mechanisms of dialogue and rationality are impossible, but does the Dagalo Clan have a political issue other than its unbridled desire to swallow up the Sudanese state and enable the Attawa and the Arabs of the diaspora to settle in Sudan and establish the kingdom of Attawa or Al-Junaid, which they inherit from generation to generation??
The Dagalo Clan has been planning this criminal project with funding and sponsorship by the United Arab Emirates since the rise of the rebel Hemedti to the position of second-in-command in the state after the December 2018 uprising. He built his military and economic empire and his network of local, regional and international political alliances to realize this dream.
And because the Dagalo Clan is aware of the impossibility of devolving power to them in Sudan using soft democratic tools, as they realized that the Sudanese people are a vaccine that does not owe kings, sultans, and charlatans, they are a people who head with all their spirit five times every day towards the Kaaba, glorifying God, God is Great. The Sacred House is called the Ancient House because it is still ancient and free, and no one owns it. Thus, God wanted freedom and liberty for all of humanity. Therefore, they set the zero hour and launched their destructive and immoral war against the army, state institutions, and community with the heinousness and ugliness that even the father of opportunism, Machiavelli, disavowed when he said, advising the princes, “Killing individuals and innocents is immoral, and it can make you powerful, but cannot bring you glory and honor”.

Returning to the beginning of the first day of the Dagalo Clan militia rebellion, the negotiations and military operations continued, starting with the communications of the leaders, Arko Minawi, Malik Aqar, and Jibriel Ibrahim, with the militia leader, Hemedti, whose response to them was the need for the army commander and head of the Sovereign Council, Lieutenant General Al-Burhan, to surrender. Then the initiatives of the Jeddah platform continued under American-Saudi sponsorship, which recognized the need for the militia’s eviction from citizens’ homes, civilian objects, service facilities, and state institutions, which they plundered and destroyed, and are still stuck there.
Then the initiative of the Sudanese neighboring countries, after that the initiatives were united and placed in the IGAD platform, which was frozen due to its alignment with the rebellion project.
Now the two parties will return to negotiations through the Jeddah platform, as they began.

As you know, most of the historical wars in the world have ended at the negotiating table. Therefore, there is no escape for the Sudanese negotiating delegation to go to the Jeddah Platform, but this round will be from the center of power created by the equation that calls for comprehensive popular and armed resistance in the trenches of the battle of dignity with the Sudanese army, and this collective will shall prevail in the end, because the will of the people is invincible.
But strategic questions remain about the final paths of negotiation. Do the Sudanese people have the ability and psychological readiness to coexist with the Dagalo militia?
Does the Sudanese army’s doctrine have the potential to integrate the militia into its institutional structure after all these crimes and violations??
Is the structure of the Sudanese state capable of recycling Daglo Clan again, while they are originally planning to demolish it, dismantle its army, empty its communities, settle the Arab diaspora from the African coastal countries, and build the Al-Genaid Kingdom on the ruins of the Sudanese state’s inheritance??
Does the behavior of the Dagalo militia in the areas under their control indicate human and humanitarian behavior that can be accommodated, let alone the behavior of individuals and state leaders???

The essence of saying that the Dagalo Clan project stands in structural contradiction with the issues of national and democratic construction and the concepts of the contemporary state regulating it, which uphold the values of freedom, humanity, citizenship, justice, equality and diversity, and therefore we must break with this project by completely liquidating it from its roots.
If that is so, then this zero-sum war will either end with the defeat of this liquidationist and racist project in the military field, or the militia leadership will awaken their conscience and morals and publicly apologize to the Sudanese people for the crimes they committed against private and public rights, and then declare their readiness to negotiate in order to stop the war, dissolve and demobilize without integrating the militia into regular military institutions, but rather to rehabilitate them and integrate them into Sudanese community, then the Sudanese people will respond back the greeting with a better one, and verily, whosoever shows patience and forgiveness, that would truly be from the things recommenced by Allah.
Sunday / January 28, 2024

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