
Dr. Muzamil Abu Al-Qasim Refutes the lie of First Bullet… and Publishes Most Dangerous Details

War is not launched with a single bullet, and preparation for it does not take place overnight. The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) rebels and their political allies have sought to establish a naive lie and a major lie, that elements of the army (belonging to the Islamic Movement) were the ones who ignited the war and initiated it by shooting at the RSF present in the Sports City area and the camp grounds on the morning of Saturday, April 15, 2015, and to refute that lie, we mention the following:
There is no doubt that the army was not ready for war, and therefore it was practically impossible for it to get involved in a war for which it had not prepared itself. The evidence for this is that the level of readiness in it was normal and was limited on April 15 to only 30%, and inside the General Command buildings, the existing force was limited to one battalion, which includes some of the clerks responsible for administrative and financial affairs. Contrary to this, the RSF rebels’ preparations for war and their mobilization of soldiers and military equipment did not begin in April of last year. Rather, Khartoum actually and practically fell into the hands of Hemedti’s forces on the same day that the Ingaz Government fell, that is, on April 11, 2019. On that day, the RSF spread throughout the capital, and deployed its forces around and inside the General Command. It also entered the Republican Palace and placed its “Thatcher” pickups inside the courtyards of the palace (with the presence of a full brigade of the Republican Guard), and surrounded the Radio and Television buildings and Khartoum Airport and spread in all vital areas of the capital, and placed his hand On a large part of the Parachute Corps camp in Khartoum Bahri, and seized the headquarters of the National Congress Party, including the main center facing Khartoum Airport. Later, the RSF seized all the camps of the Operations Authority forces after their dissolution (in Kafouri, south of the airport, Soba, and Omdurman), and constructed (18 camps inside and around the capital, the largest and most famous of which were the Taiba camp, the Jabal Sarkab camp, the Qetaina camp, and others.
As for the preparations of the RSF leaders for the war in the period preceding it, they were clear to all eyes, as they mobilized tens of thousands of soldiers inside the capital, and concluded an agreement with the Minister of Youth and Sports, Hazar Abdul Rasoul, on the twenty-ninth of March 2023, according to which they rented the buildings of the sports city and the camps’ land. To be used as camps for thousands of soldiers. The Minister initially denied that agreement, but the photo of the contract was leaked to the media, so she was forced to acknowledge it later. She stated in an official statement the following: (Minister of Youth and Sports Hazar Abdul Rasoul revealed that a call had taken place with the advisor to the Vice President of the Sovereignty Council. In it, he requested that there be a specific area affiliated with the RSF in the Youth and Sports City in Soba. Hazar added during her speech in the weekly platform organized by the Ministry of Information that the Youth City is affiliated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and is supervised by the Minister, and all the Ministry’s activities are hosted in it, as well as activities from outside Sudan, explaining that It has a rental fee to conduct work within the city and camps are set up for all sports activities. Minister Hazar denied that these headquarters are residential headquarters affiliated with the RSF, stressing that the Youth and Sports City is for sports activities and not residential places)… And certainly it is not possible to look at a larger crowd. Of ten thousand soldiers inside the buildings of a sports city and in an area designated for athletes’ camps in Khartoum, with an innocent eye, and without this being linked to what followed after only about two weeks, when those camps and sports facilities turned into the largest den for the RSF rebels, who mobilized hundreds of “Thatcher” pickups in addition to… Huge amounts of ammunition, weapons, fuel and placements inside the sports city to take advantage of its fortified buildings to avoid aviation attacks.
All of this was preceded by a famous rebellion by the Deputy Commander of the RSF, Abdul Rahim Dagalo, who threatened the Army Commander and the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council. His Excellency Lieutenant General Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, in a famous speech that took place in the Friendship Hall on March 29, 2023, in front of a huge crowd of members of the Misseriya tribe, when he said to him verbatim: (We have a message for our brothers in power… hand over power without twisting or turning); Many considered the challenge of an officer in a regular force to lead the state and the army and his demand that it hand over power as a real coup and a declared rebellion, because officers are not authorized to criticize their leaders or threaten them.
If we ignore everything that happened before April 2023, and focus on the events that occurred in the aforementioned month, we will clarify that the RSF took the initiative on April 12 to occupy the airports of Merowe and Al-Obeid, when it moved a huge force of approximately two hundred “Thatcher” pickups from Khartoum to Merowe first, without precedent. Notifying the army without coordination with it, it also besieged El-Obeid Airport on the same day, and placed its Thatcher on the airport runway to prevent its use by Sudanese Air Force fighters, before attacking the two airports on the morning of April 15, destroying three fighters that were stationed at El-Obeid Airport, four Egyptian planes, and three planes. A Sudanese woman was present at Merowe Airport.
On the 10th of April 2023, the RSF moved (54) pieces of armor owned by it from its military base in the Zurq area in South Darfur towards Khartoum. These armored vehicles arrived and entered the capital as witnesses (via the Al-Fitaihab Bridge) at noon on April 13, and were watched by thousands. It immediately headed to southern Khartoum, where some of them were stationed in the Sports City and the camps’ grounds, and others were placed in Taiba Camp and other areas in Khartoum. Part of those armored vehicles were used in the attack on the General Command buildings on the morning of April 15, after breaking the wall that The house of the rebel leader is separated from the house of the army commander in Poclain. He was brought into Hemedti’s house specifically several days before the outbreak of war.
At dawn on April 15, the RSF rebels captured hundreds of army officers on their way to their work sites in Khartoum. They also attacked the Intelligence School after breaking the wall separating it from the RSF headquarters south of Khartoum Airport (formerly the Operations Authority Command). The rebels arrested the commander of the Intelligence School ( With the rank of Major General) and dozens of officers, the Inspector General of the Army (Lieutenant General Kuti) was also captured from inside his home in the Airport neighborhood. Is it reasonable for the army to initiate a war against the RSF and not notify its Inspector General and senior officers about it and not try to secure them to prevent the rebels from arresting them with ease?
On the morning of April 15, specifically before the dawn prayer (before 4 a.m.), some young men published a video clip they trusted of the beginning of the deployment of the RSF in southern Khartoum, and the sound of the dawn call to prayer appeared clearly audible in that video, which lasted more than 11 minutes, and more appeared in it. One of 100 Thatcher vehicles loaded with soldiers and armed with various types of weapons and military equipment were deployed in Khartoum at dawn, and the aforementioned video is still published on YouTube until this moment.
Soldiers from the RSF also published another video clip showing their control of their forces over the area of the heart of Khartoum in preparation for the attack on the General Command before sunrise on April 15. It appeared in the video that the sun had not yet risen when hundreds of RSF units deployed in the streets of the Palace, the Republic, the Municipality, and the Nile. In preparation for the attack on the Army General Command, the leader of the rebellion also appeared in another video at dawn on April 15, after his forces occupied the Republican Palace and betrayed the force that was present there.
In the first days of the war, the RSF rebels published a video clip in which the rebel Omar Jibril (one of the most prominent media mouthpieces of the RSF militias) appeared, accompanied by a slave of the army officers, who introduced themselves, and among them was Brigadier General Maamoun Muhammad Ahmed, commander of the Al-Baqair Mechanized Armored Brigade, It was clearly and unambiguously mentioned in the video that they were captured on April 14. This means that the RSF rebels occupied the Al-Baqair garrison and captured its commander and three of its officers a full day before the first shot was fired.
The attack launched by the RSF rebels on the morning of April 15, 2023, was not limited to the General Command buildings, but rather coincided with a series of comprehensive and carefully coordinated attacks carried out on the Signal Corps, the Corps of Engineers, the Armored Corps, the Wadi Saydna Air Base, Merowe Airport, Al-Obeid Airport, and the Garrison. Al-Hagana Al-Abyad, Al-Fasher garrison, Zalingei garrison, Babanusa garrison, and army camps were also attacked in the cities of Kabkabiya, Kutum, Al-Fula, and a large number of Darfur cities. The RSF rebels also took the initiative to occupy the military industrialization headquarters in Al-Baqir, Kafouri, and the Qari area at the same time. Is it possible that Is this all done by chance?
Could all of this have happened as a result of a single bullet fired against them near the Sports City?
Only three days before the war, the European Union ambassador, along with a number of ambassadors from European Union countries, visited Hemedti at his home in the airport neighbourhood. They were accompanied on the visit by Ambassador Khaled Musa, director of the European Department in the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the time. The ambassadors asked the rebel leader to reduce tension and not get involved in a war with The army, but he surprised them by saying: (I signed the framework agreement and I will not retract it. The proof is that if it is signed and implemented, I will arrest him and put him in Kober prison next to Al-Bashir). Indeed, he combined words with action and attacked the army commander’s house, the homes of his companions, and the buildings of the General Command, trying to capture or kill them, but with courage and boldness. The Presidential Guard heroes foiled the sinful plan.
In the months preceding the war, RSF bought and rented (480) houses in the three cities of the capital, and focused on large houses in which military vehicles “Thatcher” pickups could be stored. Houses with underground floors (basements) were selected and filled in. The RSF also bought dozens of farms around Khartoum, specifically in the Al-Salit project, East Nile, West Omdurman, North and East Kafouri, and huge numbers of guns, weapons, ammunition and fuel were stored in them. It was clear that this step came within the framework of preparation for a war targeting the rebels seizing power with a carefully planned armed coup.
Shortly before the war, the RSF rebels purchased a large number of plots of land in vital areas in central Khartoum, and built large camps on some of them that accommodate thousands of soldiers in the heart of Khartoum, including a camp on a large plot of land located south of the Republican Palace, next to the commercial registry, and another located West of the buildings of the RSF Command in Khartoum, east of the (formerly Security Chancellery) and east of the National Press Council building, and in the two buildings were stored large numbers of “Thatcher” pickups and huge quantities of weapons, ammunition, fuel and appointments, in addition to thousands of soldiers, and from the two buildings and the former National Congress Presidency building, the attack was carried out. General Command buildings and occupation of the Republican Palace.
Before the war, the RSF rebels imported advanced wireless communication systems and provided them to their forces to connect and coordinate between them at zero hour. They also obtained the famous Pegasus electronic spy system for use in spying on the phones of army commanders and regular forces, and the communications systems of the armed forces, in addition to systems They used modern ones to confuse army communications, and they used them with great efficiency and by foreign experts who were brought from abroad specifically to perform that task.
Shortly before the war, RSF Intelligence tried to woo a number of the most skilled Air Force pilots with money, and communicated with some of them and offered them the sum of two hundred thousand dollars for each of them in exchange for refusing to implement any instructions requiring the bombing of the camps and RSF if its leadership launched a war on the army. These pilots informed the Army Command of this attempt and they refused to respond to them with high patriotism. RSF Intelligence also monitored the homes of the pilots throughout the capital and succeeded in arresting some of them on the first day of the war.
Before the war, the RSF Command equipped a number of specialized media rooms inside and outside Sudan. It also contracted with specialized foreign companies to manage thousands of fake accounts on social media platforms, and used them with great efficiency after the outbreak of the war. The rebels also wooed a number of prominent media figures inside and outside Sudan to support them in the media, the accounts of a number of well-known activists were purchased to promote the rebels’ propaganda and support them in the media. Names of RSF spokesmen and advisors whose testimony no one had heard of before the war appeared, as they were employed to defend the rebels on foreign satellite channels, such as Imran Abdullah, Al-Basha Tebaiq, Sibawayh Yousuf, and others. Indeed, they were ecstatic to perform the dirty task on the (worst) side possible.
The bottom line is that what happened in Sudan on April 15 was not the result of a coincidence, nor did it happen because of the first bullet fired in southern Khartoum. Rather, it represents a sinful plan that was carefully planned over a period of years, with the aim of hijacking the Sudanese state, seizing control of the regime, destroying the army, dismantling it, and replacing it with support and huge sums of money were invested to implement this sinful plan, but the will of the Almighty God was stronger than the plot of the plotters, and the valor and courage of the heroes of the armed forces and other regular forces played a pivotal role in nullifying and thwarting the satanic plan that aimed to swallow Sudan, seize its capabilities, and plunder its resources and displacing its people and bringing about a comprehensive demographic change in it (and they plot and God plots, and God is the best of planners).

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