
Washington Calls for a Quick Solution to the Sudanese Crisis before it turns into a Regional War

Sudan Events – Agencies

The US special envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello, warned against the seriousness of the Sudanese war, calling for the need to resolve the crisis quickly before it turns into a “regional war.” In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Perriello suggested that the Jeddah talks would begin soon without specifying the date, indicating that there are informal negotiations currently underway.
Perriello urged “outside players” to be partners in achieving peace in Sudan, stressing that he enjoys cooperation from the highest levels in the White House and the State Department, but he cannot “achieve the goal alone without the cooperation of others.” He explained that what is happening constitutes a strategic problem, which is “the existence of a country that enjoys a key location in the Sahel, but it is sliding towards what is not just a civil war, but rather a multi-sided war that drags on Sudan’s neighbors.” “What we see is the conflict increasingly turning into a regional conflict, and this is a disaster for everyone.”
He continued, “Yes, I see a way forward in Sudan. I have seen previous conflicts that some considered to have no hope. Then we witnessed major breakthroughs, including the first peace agreement I worked on in Sierra Leone. I actually see a way forward in Sudan. It is a matter of political will.” “The truth is that the Sudanese people are largely united about what they want.”

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