
(3) Trillion Pounds Losses of Medical Supplies on Gezira

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The branch of the National Fund for Medical Supplies in Gezira State has revealed major losses to the branch estimated at more than (3) trillion Sudanese pounds, representing the quantities of stock and medicines that occurred at the moment of the events of December 15 that Gezira State witnessed, from a central supply and a supply affiliated with the state.
The director of the Fund’s branch in Gezira, Abu Bakr Khader, said that the supply and stock were damaged, stolen, and looted. He added that the Fund’s branch continued to work silently in order to remedy the matter and ensure the flow of medicines, despite the complex circumstances in which the state is experiencing.
He pointed out that the emergency committee, which was based in the neighboring states, was able to deliver medicines to a number of border localities and deliver intravenous solutions and program medicines such as dialysis, emergency medicines, and global support medicines (malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS), and noted that the Fund branch had transferred all economic treatment medicines. What is found in some safe localities to free treatment to cover the needs of patients.

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