
$600 Million in Gold Revenues to Sudanese Treasury

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Minister of Minerals, Mohammad Bashir Abunmu, has revealed that a jump had been achieved in the total production of gold, reaching 17 tons from the beginning of the year 2024 until the middle of this May, an increase of 190% of the total production for the first quarter of the year 2023.
He indicated, during his speech on the “Special Meeting Program” on Radio Beladi, that the Ministry contributed more than 60% of the country’s total exports for the first quarter of the current year. Revenues from exports of gold and other minerals exceeded 600 million dollars.
Pointing out that the 60% percentage is considered an unrealistic percentage if it were not for the current circumstance, given that most of the country’s exports were halted as a result of the war. Fortunately, we in the Ministry of Minerals were able to increase the production and export of gold despite the war conditions. I attribute this to the efforts of the Ministry, which quickly absorbed the shock and prepared for work and early transfer of the Ministry’s headquarters and its subsidiaries to the city of Port Sudan. Contacts were made with producers and investors in this field to urge them to return and begin production.

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