Society & Culture

Musician Dr. Al-Fateh Hussein in a conversation about art and war: The duty of art is to present works about unity, strength, and facing difficulties

Musician Dr. Al-Fateh Hussein in a conversation about art and war:

The duty of art is to present works about unity, strength, and facing difficulties

Because of the war, I returned to composing and looking for a performer

Saudi society encouraged me to establish the Solo Center.

The artist, like any other person, needs money

The Sudanese musician has proven that he is capable of success and giving in various circumstances or other countries and societies, just as the Ali Al-Zein Center rose again and established a branch in Cairo and branches in several other countries.

The musician Dr. Al-Fateh Hussein established the (Solo) Center for teaching music in the Kingdom of Arabia.

Conversations about art in times of war brought us together with the conquering musician in this space.

Dialogue – Magda Hassan

Firstly, how do you see the future of the arts in countries where wars arise?

It is certain that all artistic activities of all kinds freeze and the future becomes dark in the state of instability that results from wars. Art provides a moral message to relax and entertain the soul, so how can it deliver this message when the general situation is in a state of depression!

How do you see the role of the arts and artists during the war?

An artist must focus on producing artistic works that express unity, strength, and facing difficulties.

Do the new songs represent a turning point for nostalgic songs or a phenomenon that ends with the disappearance of the influence?

Most of these songs that singers recite now while they are far from their homes are old songs that are originally found in the Sudanese library. For example, O my country, my beloved country. Therefore, after their separation from their homeland and home, they felt the value of these songs and the meanings they carry, so they began to recite them on special occasions, just like the case with patriotic songs that are only broadcast on national occasions. Therefore, every composer or singer, after the bitter war experience, must pay attention to such songs and produce new ones so that the citizen can repeat them and form a national spirit within him, and so that they do not become homesick and end with the disappearance of the influence.

Singing artists face widespread criticism campaigns for holding concerts in various countries under the conditions of the country and the war. What is your comment?

The artist has no source of income other than the profession of singing or playing. The artist, like any person, needs an expense that guarantees his life in terms of living, treatment, and all the requirements of life. He must present his art taking into account the customs and traditions that govern his society and not deviate from serious art with beautiful values ​​that express about his society and the trend towards cheap art to make money.

You also participated in several artistic events outside Sudan in these circumstances, right?

Yes, I participated in one event, but let us ask, what kind of event was that?
I was invited by the Entertainment Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to participate in the activities of the Riyadh Season, which are events in which many countries participate and present their popular and modern arts. I presented ten concerts with the participation of the performance band that presents all the different Sudanese arts with the type of costume and dance that expresses each region. We tried as much as possible to We reflect the diverse arts of Sudan, and our participation met with every success among the Saudi public and other communities, as well as the Sudanese community.

Where do you stand regarding the new production and what about your experience in composing or did the war affect you?

I have been interested in composing songs for a long time, and my production of a number of new songs is not new, and a tape of the sakt al-rabab by the late Mahmoud Abdel Aziz is sufficient, as all the songs in the album are composed and arranged by me, and therefore there is no influence on my production. On the contrary, due to the disruption of all government institutions and universities due to the war, I found enough time for composing, and now I am preparing new songs and searching for the performer.

Information indicates that the militia cooks food with musical instruments. What is the news about the Al-Fateh Hussein Center for Music Education?

Yes, I saw a picture in which the guitar was used as fuel for cooking, and I was in a lot of pain. As for my musical training center, I do not know yet what happened to it, but it is certain that it was destroyed, as was my house, my property, and the condition of many people.

Is Riyadh a refuge station or is it a foundation for a future after the establishment of the Solo Center for Music Education?

So far, I have not decided on this, but I found young people who were enthusiastic about establishing a music training center, such as engineer Muhammad Azhari and the Saudi general director, Abu Mujab Al-Dosari, during my participation in the activities of the Riyadh Season. They presented the idea and I agreed to it, and I stood with them in the establishment stage, step by step, and then I developed for them the curricula and how to have their own style, teaching and selecting qualified professors, benefiting from my previous experiences. Now I represent the academic director of the Solo Center. I was encouraged by the fact that Saudi society is about to study music, which will be included in schools starting from the next academic year.

Is there a return to home?

The return is certain once the situation in Sudan stabilizes. As for the goals of the Solo Center, it aims to develop Saudi talents and increase their knowledge of music sciences, as well as for the rest of the other communities residing in Saudi Arabia, especially the Sudanese community.

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