
FAO Supports Small Farmers in Gedarif

Sudan Events-Nahid Oshi

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)announced its support for small farmers in Gedarif by providing improved seeds.
At the same time, the Gedarif State Government will begin distributing 840 tons of various seeds to small farmers in eleven localities across the state on Saturday.
The Governor of Gedarif, Maj.Gen. Retired Mohamed Ahmed Hassan Ahmed, affirmed his government’s interest in making the agricultural season a success and working to provide food security for the people of Sudan under the current circumstances. He praised the efforts of production partners
Director General of the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources, Eng. Ammar Abdullah Suleiman, announced the completion of all arrangements to distribute 840 tons of seeds to small farmers.
He said that the project aims to reach eleven local distributors in 330 villages

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