
Militia Fighting : with thieves and drug addicts.. The fading of the rebellion’s power.. (Sudan Events ) interrogates military experts and leaders of movements

Justice and Equality: The militia is using sick people and thieves who are ready to meet the immoral needs of the rebellion

Director of the Observatory center for Political and Strategic Studies: The RSF
have used thieves and bandits such as Keikal and Al-Bishi

Maj.Gen. Amin Ismail: The militia is in an abnormal situation and is not in control, only a matter of spread

Sudanese Alliance: The militia wants to achieve its project through those without a human conscience

After the death of a large number of its solid forces at the SAF in various battles, the Rapid Support Forces RSF militia continued its efforts to feed its ranks with mercenaries from abroad and prisoners to fight the battles, addition to the militia recruiting children in addition to using thieves and drug addicts. (Sudan Events)searched in this dossier and put a number of questions on the table of military experts and leaders of armed movements and came out with the result Next.

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

The Sudanese army SAF revealed that the Rapid Support RSF Militia is using thieves, prison goers and drug addicts to fight in its ranks.
The Commander of the Omdurman Military area, Commander of the Engineering ( Al Muhandiseen)Corps, Maj. Gen.Dhafer Omar Abdel Qader, said that the Rapid Support RSF Militia is currently fighting with thieves, drug addicts, prison goers and other criminals and has no identity or address.
Dhafer affirmed, according to the official page of the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF on “Facebook”, that the armed forces SAF have a history and were established before the establishment of the Sudanese state, and added, “The armed forces SAF are an institution with a military hierarchy and batches after batches and an exchange of experiences and an exchange of leadership and all its programs are continuing despite the war and will not stop,” and he said that the terrorist militia is affiliated with the Daglo family and no one else has a chance to assume senior positions and companies.
Facing the needs :

The official spokesperson for the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) forces and member of the media room of the armed struggle forces, Brig. Gen. Hamid Hajar, attributed the militia’s use of thieves and drug addicts in the fighting to the fact that those they use are sick and ready to meet the immoral needs of the rebellion easily and under the pressure of addiction and hallucinations.
Hajar told (Sudan Events ): “The thieves and those with previous convictions who were released also lack the spirit of a normal citizen who deals consciously as a member of society, and therefore using them in crimes against citizens is a violation of their rights as well as a violation of human rights and is considered a war crime and an infringement of international humanitarian law.”

Lack of experience :

The violations practiced by the Rapid Support RSF Militia, addition to their insistence on destroying the country’s infrastructure and other things, are evidence of their use of elements who cannot engage in combat operations in its fields due to their lack of military experience.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned of Sudan entering a famine due to the Rapid Support RSF Militia’s destruction of the infrastructure and the disruption of the agricultural season in the Gezira Scheme .
The Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday that the “militia” continues, under the supervision of its regional sponsors, its malicious plan to cause famine in the country, by deliberately and systematically disrupting agricultural activity in food production areas, terrorizing farmers, destroying the infrastructure of the agricultural sector, and looting agricultural machinery, seeds, and winter and summer crops. The statement said that the ultimate goal of the plan is to empty the production areas of their people and replace them with “militia elements and their foreign mercenaries
Suffering from a shortage
In turn, the security and strategic expert, Maj.Gen. Amin Ismail, indicates that the Rapid Support RSF Militia suffers from a major shortage in human strike force after the death of a large number of its solid forces in the battles it fought during the past year.
Ismail told (Sudan Events ) that the shortage was completed by what is known as the panic that comes from the areas of the Rapid Support RSF incubators and from mercenaries from outside the country and from those locally mobilized in the areas controlled by the Rapid Support RSF.
He added: “These elements without scrutiny, thus leaked large numbers of injuries and addicts from those who came out of prisons and became fragile elements who do not have the will to fight or the desire to work, whether to collect money.” He pointed out that the motives for using these people are the need for the presence of forces in areas controlled by the militia and the expansion of the scope of operations and clashes in many areas, which sometimes made it lose control over some areas, whether the media presence to cover the shortage, and he said that such people are pushed into losing battles for the sake of media gain, and he stressed that the Rapid Support RSF Militia is now in an abnormal situation from a military standpoint and that it is not in control, it is only a matter of spreading to achieve media gain and a negotiating position if negotiations begin at any time.

Recruitment and Chaos :

In addition, eyewitnesses in the city of Al-Geneina in West Darfur state said that the Rapid Support RSF Militia recruited children under the age of 18, ranging in number from 400 to 500 children. They pointed out that the children were gathered at the Popular School in Geneina and then transferred to the girls’ dormitory in the schools district after they caused chaos, and the people of the area demanded that the state governor transfer them.

A distinctive Feature :

In turn, military expert Al-Fateh Mahjoub says that the leadership of the Rapid Support Forces RSF rebelled against the General Command of the Army SAF and the Sudanese government and used mercenaries from all sides to carry out its rebellion, then used prison inmates from thieves and bandits such as Keikal , Al-Bishi, Sheria and their likes.
With the continuation of the war for more than a year, those rebel forces fighting in the name of the Rapid Support Forces RSF no longer have any relationship with the Rapid Support Forces RSF registered in the regular forces’ records.
Mahjoub told Sudan Events that most of the current Rapid Support Forces RSF soldiers are either thieves, mercenaries, or bandits, i.e. tribal thieves, which has resulted in the Rapid Support Forces RSF completely breaking away from any law, and looting, killing, and rape have become the hallmark of the Rapid Support Forces RSF .
Therefore, citizens flee any area controlled by the support, leaving behind their property, fearing for their honor and lives, heading to the states and cities controlled by the Sudanese army SAF .
He said, “Therefore, in any political agreement to end the war, the problem of these thieves, bandits, and mercenaries will emerge, and they often hinder the chances of reaching a Sudanese political settlement that ends the war.”
Pressure and Deprivation :

The Rapid Support Forces RSF militia forced in Gezira hundreds of men and dozens of children to be forcibly recruited into its ranks after taking control of the state last year, according to an investigation published by CNN earlier.
The network said that its investigation revealed that the Rapid Support Forces RSF forcibly recruited about 700 men and 65 children to increase its forces in Gezira state alone.
Eyewitnesses were quoted as saying that the forces use hunger as a weapon, depriving those who refuse to join their ranks of food and food supplies. CNN said that its investigation was based on testimonies given by about 30 people.
Early Recruitment :

The official spokesperson for the Sudanese coalition, Mohamed Al-Samani, said that the militia recruited thieves and drug addicts since the beginning of its rebellion by releasing prisoners from Al-Huda prison and attracting a large number of them.
Al-Samani justified the militia’s resort to this in his interview with (Sudan Events ) by saying that it does not have a project to rule the Sudanese State, but rather its project was to destroy the Sudanese state and infrastructure, humiliate the Sudanese citizen, and the policy of oppression practiced by the militia.
In order for this to be achieved, there must be elements
that do not have the conscience that holds people accountable or the religious and moral restraint.

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