Society & Culture

Al-Shafi’i writes: A journey of struggle and creativity by Ismail Abu Ras

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
In a gesture full of appreciation, the musician Al-Shafi’i Sheikh Idris wrote about the “accordion” player Ismail Abdel Qader, or as they call him Ismail Abu Ras.
 “One of the most beautiful people in playing the accordion, he is an extension of the generation of giants and the great ones of accordion players in Sudan. He plays the accordion with sweetness and elegance, the pinnacle of beauty and creativity. He sat behind many of the creators of the good old days when he was young, but his journey with the late Zidane Ibrahim remains the greatest and most beautiful because it extended for many years and did not leave him until the last days of Zidane’s departure. Ismail presented the essence of his effort through Zidane’s songs, and his effort was clearly evident in his possession of the spirit of distribution and the use of violins, whose details he cares about. I was his colleague, honored, and worked with him with a number of talented and knowledgeable artists, with his memorization ability. With his diligence and perseverance, Ismail became an excellent sound engineer, and many albums of different artists came out at his hands.” He said. “He is also a seasoned administrator who has served in several terms on a number of boards of directors of the Artists Union. To this day, he is the Deputy Secretary General of the Union of Musical Professions in Sudan. He carries many concerns through his articles, comments, and guidance to the youth. Ismail Abdel Qader has a journey of struggle for years in the field of music. We must stop at it so that the new generations can learn from it. We wish health to our brother, the artist Ismail Abdel Qader, as this is just a drop in the ocean of his creativity.” He added.

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