
Minister: (53) Cases of Sexual Assault Committed by Militia Elements in Khartoum

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Minister of Social Development in Khartoum, Siddiq Hassan Freini, revealed the challenges facing the workflow in light of the war, pointing to the importance of the lodges that were established in the localities of Omdurman, Karari and Um Badah

The minister affirmed, during his meeting with journalists at Al-Khaif Center for Studies, Research and Training in Karari locality, that there is cash support provided monthly to all those who registered their names in the locality lists to receive the food basket.

He explained that the cash support of the World Food Program WFP that the individual receives through the data registration link that has spread, and said that they have reservations about the project.

The minister addressed the situation of women and children, expressing his regret for the violations that these groups were subjected to, and revealed 53 cases of sexual assault that women were subjected to by elements of the Rapid Support RSF Militia, which resulted in the birth of new children with clear features that confirm their lineage to the militia elements, and added: “The mothers abandoned the children, so the ministry took care of them.”

Freni afirmed that there are challenges facing his ministry, most notably the scarcity of financial resources, and said: “The famine is manufactured by targeting and destroying production areas and agricultural projects, and the impoverishment of citizens was systematic.”

The minister revealed arrangements to generalize the experience of growing vegetables at home, as happened in some neighborhoods of Ombada, and urged citizens to follow the same approach.

Freni said that there are 20,000 families in shelter centers, affirming the fight against negative phenomena in coordination with the security services, and added: “The model hospices have been reviewed, and we aim to conduct proactive surveys of citizens’ needs, and 10,000 meals have been allocated to Omdurman citizens.”

The minister explained that what is provided to the original citizens of Karari locality of needs does not match the required need, and affirmed that treatments are being put in place to provide services, and indicated that the competent authorities have information and surveys of the negative interfaces and phenomena in some areas.

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