
Zadna Company Dispatches Aid Caravan to the North

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
The Governor of the Nile River, Mohammed Al-Badawi Abdelmajid Abu Qarun, praised the initiatives and contributions of Zadna International Company towards the nation and citizens.
The governor, during his speech at the farewell of the company’s large caravan headed to the locality of Merowe in the North for those affected by this year’s floods, said that Zadna Company has always been present with the citizens, especially during times of hardship and disasters, pointing out that the company was among the first to reach the flood-affected victims in Abu Hamad locality in recent days and the company’s extended helping hands to everyone.
From their side, the leaders of Zadna International Company confirmed that the caravan comes in response to the directives of Dr. Taha Al-Hussein, the General Manager of the company, and contains shelter, food, and medicine materials, and they added that the company’s caravans will continue to all regions affected by floods in all states and regions of the country.

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