King Salman Center Begins Installation of 33 Water Stations in the East

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
The Sunday saw the inauguration of the “Niflimet” water station, 30 kilometers northwest of Suakin city, under the supervision of the Al-Ishraq Organization for Development and Reconstruction. This is part of a project funded by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center to drill and install 33 water stations in the eastern states of Sudan: Kassala, Gedaref, and the Red Sea State.
Acting Governor of the Red Sea State, Major General Mustafa Mohamed Nour, praised the role of the King Salman Center in supporting Sudan in general and the Red Sea State in particular, stating that the “Niflimet” station is one of seven water stations currently being implemented in the state as part of the King Salman Center’s project.
Meanwhile, Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources, Dhu Al-Bait Abdul Rahman, confirmed that the King Salman Center project is being implemented according to scientific studies that achieve the optimal use of water resources for the development and stability of citizens.
Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Sudan, Ali bin Hassan Jaafar, explained that the support provided by the King Salman Center comes within the framework of the Kingdom’s policies to support its brothers, based on the principles of the Islamic religion and the eternal ties between Sudan and the Kingdom.