
New Measures on Commercial Register

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Ministry of Commerce and Supply has announced application of news measures to control commercial register issuance in the new year 2024, with the view to curb negative practices in commercial activity.

The Minister of Trade and Supply, Al-Fatih Abdullah Yusuf, stressed the need to reactivate controls and procedures for import and export activities and operation through land crossings and sea ports. These measures are to be issued by the Ministry of Trade and Supply, especially those related to import operations to make sure they are compatible with Central Bank of Sudan instructions, issued in June and July, 2023, so import is process are done through banking procedures Form (IM)with the aim of controlling the incoming of commodities into the country.
The minister revealed these measures during his meeting (Wednesday) in his office in Port Sudan, with the Director General of Sudanese Customs, Lt.Gen. Police, according to the Adam Al-Nour.
For his part, the Director General of Customs said that Customs and the Ministry of Commerce have complementary working relationships with each other and are two sides of same coin, indicating full coordination and continuous cooperation between them in all fields related to activities aimed at facilitating trade.

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