Society & Culture

Iraqi Novelist: Why do Intellectuals Hate Each Other?


Sudan Events

Why do intellectuals hate each other? is a book written by Jamal Hussein Ali , an Iraqi novelist and journalist born in Al Basrah, Iraq. He earned his doctorate (PhD) in Physics and Mathematics from Moscow State University (1993).
If culture perishes, what becomes of the world’s hope? This book attempts to interrogate a long professional experience in writing, academic, journalistic, and literary work, and to remove the fog from many questions, the purpose of which is to turn the writer’s blood into ink, and his conscience into words, reviewing the prevailing production that misleads the recipient, and violates the foundations of culture, literature, and art with horrific and complex vulgarity. Throughout the pages of the book, you will find evidence of the great devastation that the so-called “intellectual” has caused to culture, taking the boat of the dead to what remains of humanity. When you write poorly and produce vulgar arts, the harmful larvae will compete for what you present to them as culture, while the true intellectual sits on the edge of the world .
He sees corruption, theft, pretense, and intellectuals’ hatred for each other. While the tasks of a true creator are limited to expressing the hidden and authentic beauty of the world and the true form of life. In an easy, refraining narration used by the writer-novelist, you are free to believe what is stated in this book, which did not forgive anyone.

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