Society & Culture

Musician Yousuf Al Mousli : A Link Between Generations


Interview- Sudan Events- Magda Hassan

Since everyone named has a share in the work of Youssef (Al-Mousli), the musician, singer, and poet, he was to be a link between his generation and the other generations.
Musician Yousuf Al Mousli as he says with all confidence that no one took the hand of emerging artists like him. Likewise, Al-Mousli was a link between the members of the Aqd Al-Jallad band, and many axes. Al-Mawsili answered about the current situation between the private and the public in this dialogue
Dialogue: Magda Hassan

Al-Mousli: Art is in a delicate circumstance and the senseless war was completed incompletely!
Totalitarian and dictatorial regimes produced high-level art
Satellite channels are part of the art crisis
Disagreements in musical bands are a natural thing.

It is said that you have a share of someone named. So what do you gain from the name Al-Mousli ?
Ishaq Al-Mousli , the son, and Ibrahim Al-Mousli , the father, are two of the greatest musicians of the Abbasid era.
So I call myself Dr. Abdul Majid Khalifa, this name, after I produced more than 300 musical works, whether melodically, singing, or arranging.
And the feelings of writing nearly 200 texts, I leave you to judge.

She started singing the bag. She became famous for the song “Your Mail, My Love, Your Mail”, and reached its peak in “Shouq Al-Hawa”.
How do you view your artistic career and the successes you have achieved?
The greatest success I have achieved is this progression from slavery to computers, my studies at 4 universities.
The respect I found from the professors who came before me, the professors who came after me, and the current youth in the arena.
As for the public, they understand the reason for my excellent health and happiness
God Almighty says in His decisive revelation and He made us for everything
A reason.

 You have come to the country several times since you immigrated to America, but you did not settle down to contribute to the promotion and development of the song in the country and to take the hand of emerging artists. As you promised once. What is the objection?
There is no artist who took the hand of young people like my weak person. I was, still am, and will continue to be
What did America offer you and what did you offer it? And to what extent did you and other artists contribute to spreading the Sudanese song there?
America provided me with education and made some of my children high-level professors.

* Do you notice that artists’ concerts abroad are for the community and not for the audience of those countries? What is the reason for that?
Your statement about focusing on the Sudanese public is correct
This is a big mistake
From our tribe
Singing outside Sudan needs
1 financing
2 Organization
3 Promotion
Dr. Mutawakel Mahmoud did not do this in America, where we sang with a huge orchestra to a huge audience in Central Park, New York.
And Millennium Park Chicago Theater
Detroit Symphony Detroit
We were a huge group of male and female singers
And a huge Sudanese orchestra
American and professional producer

Othman Al-Nou and Awadallah intend to rebuild a musical band that may resemble an executioner’s contract. Because you were close to the group and worked to eliminate its differences. How do you view its future and attempts to revive it again?
Disagreements in large and Sudanese bands are a natural thing, and no matter how good the relationship between them is, the difference in the nature of the people who make up the band leads to disagreements, as happened in the Beetles band and other international bands.

So, are the differences personal, artistic, or political?
What happened in Iqd Al-Jallad is a natural thing, and it is the difference in personalities of my dear friend Othman Al-Nu. After the differences that occurred in Iqd Al-Jallad, he formed a band (Rai) and produced new and beautiful works for it, but things in Sudan are not in the favor of the bands, including Iqd Al-Jallad, nor in the favor of all artists, because the atmosphere has taken control. It has forces or laws, and it may be the last attempt to bring together the old soldiers from the executioner’s contract, in addition to the new youth, and adding new youth. I hope that it will be in a different style from the executioner’s contract, and Ray Walno has the ability to do that.

How do you view the artistic scene in Sudan now, after many of its giants whom God chose to be with Him have left?
The artistic scene is full of very beautiful voices, and the new voices may be superior to the old voices. There has been a development in Sudanese families and their way of thinking, as boys and girls are now allowed to sing. Unlike before, only the “rebellious” could sing. Therefore, there may be many voices that did not come out to the people. Now all the voices have come out. But the problem is that a large portion of these voices are lost, and the remaining portion cannot emerge because the dominant type of singing is in a stifling economic and social situation.

Despite the presence of spaces, you feel there is a technical crisis, what is causing it?
It is difficult for an artist to find a presence, as satellite channels are in a crisis where the artist is either singing externally (qunat) or singing of rumination and repetition imposed on them.
The departure of the great professors has been lost and the conditions that produced them will not be repeated, even during the colonial era. They are better than now. The period of the first and second democracy and some totalitarian and dictatorial regimes, such as the era of Numeiri, gave birth to excellent and high-level art. The circumstances became difficult and the senseless war was completed incompletely.

The war also caused artists to become distracted and unable to work. What is your comment?
In my opinion, the war has no justification, other than clinging to power, which is a strange and confusing conflict that has not happened in any country. We hope that God will compensate the Sudanese people for the loss of lives, property and infrastructure, which is unfortunate and expresses a backward mentality. If I were involved in a power struggle and found that my victory required demolition Infrastructure: I will withdraw, hand over my weapons and leave.

Is there any new work?
Yes, there are many that I will announce in due course.

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