Approval of the Budget for Radio and TV in Gezira State

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan
Ministry of Finance, Economy and Manpower in Gezira state has approved the proposed budget today for Gezira Radio and TV Corporation, praising the financial performance of the corporation during the past year, appreciating the channel’s continuation and steadfastness in providing its service in supporting the war effort and supporting the SAF paying attention to reflect the different daily life activities in the state in light of the economic conditions that the country is going through.
The committee affirmed its support to the authority during the new year to address its financial, engineering, and program production problems so that the channel meets the challenges of this stage and the longings of the people of the state.
For his part, Director General of the corporation Obaid Mirghani considered the attention shown in the new fiscal year’s budget from the Ministry of Finance to be an impetus for making a major shift in work to confront the challenges and requirements of the stage.