Taxation Chamber Expects Revenues Decline

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The former Secretary-General of the Taxation Chamber, an expert in financial management, Ahmed Adam Salem, has criticized the increase in the customs dollar exchange rate from 650 pounds to 950 pounds, a rate of more than 46%, in light of the current war conditions.
Ahmed Salem stated that any increase in any category of fees (taxes, customs, and service fees) directly reflects an increase in the prices of commodities and services. He therefore stressed that the action taken by the Minister of Finance to liberalize the customs dollar means an increase in the prices of all commodities and services, and as a result, the living suffering of citizens will worsen. In his statement to Sudan Events, Ahmed Adam expected a decline in customs revenues in 2024, and attributed this to the reluctance of a number of importers who pay customs to import due to the high cost and the decrease in capital, in addition to the decrease in demand among buyers due to high prices, thus the internal trade movement decreases, which affects the collection of the state’s own revenues.