Sudan-UN Committee on Child Recruitment challenges

Sudan Events
The acting governor of Kasala State, Muhammad Musa Abdel Rahman, has issued a decision forming a higher committee to follow up on the preparation and implementation of the joint action plan between Sudan and the United Nations on the protection of children against violations in armed conflicts settings.
The decision, received by Sudan Events on Friday, assigned the chairmanship of the committee to the Minister of Finance and Manpower and the Secretary of the Child Welfare Council as a member and rapporteur. The committee’s membership included security, legal, social, executive members as well as International organizations. The decision specified the committee’s powers to approve a list of operational procedures for child victims of recruitment, train relevant authorities on it, support integration and reunification procedures for child victims, and coordinate with partners concerned with child victims of recruitment.
The decision was issued after reviewing the proposal submitted by the Director of the Social Sector at the Ministry of Health and Social Development